Part 6

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Regular P.O.V.

you stand loosely, trying to stay relaxed despite all the fear running through you. Shutter still smiling as you fix your grip on the dagger. You want to run and hide, or fall to your knees and surrender, but you stand your ground, feet spread a shoulders width apart.

The wind plays with your hair, every second seeming to get longer and longer as you wait for him to make his move, looking for any weaknesses in his stance. Shutter steps forward, sword raised in a deadly show, his shadow stretching out next to him making him look more intimidating. His feet were silent on the grass and his breathing slow and calm.

He steps around you, as if studying you. You follow him, watching him as he moves. You find yourself quietly fascinated by his flawless movement, his muscles moving gracefully under his clothes. You see his muscles tense and you instantly know that he is going to attack.  That slight sign probably saved your life as his sword flashes towards you, faster than your eyes could follow.

The blade nic’s you instead of running its length through your heart. You stumble back, surprised at the speed and accuracy of his movements. Your heart pounds in your throat as you realize that you would be dead if you hadn’t moved when he tensed. You face him, even wearier of him as he takes a couple swings that you barley dodge before swinging at your head.

You get your dagger up and intercept the blade just in time. The blades slammed together, sending sparks flying next to your ears as the vibrations from the hit traveled up your arm, making your fingers ache. He pulls back and sweeps the blade lower so that it aimed at your stomach. you jump, feeling adrenaline launch you much higher in the air than normal. you roll bock to your feet and shutter was on you instantly, swinging at your head.

you try to dodge again but your feet weren't under you. you feel the blade connect with your shoulder and you raise your arm to keep his swing from cutting your neck. the flat of the blade bounces on your arm before shutter steady's it and pushes it down, cutting your shoulder harshly. your skin splits open before his blade, cutting deep into the muscles and you gasp, nearly losing your footing before slapping the blade away with your free hand.

Shutter smirks and moves away, waiting for you to recover. He moves around you again as you gasp at the pain from your shoulder. He circles around you like you were his pray, stalking you. You followed him with your eyes, painting hard, your hand clenched to your shoulder. You watch his movements, again amazed at the graceful yet dangerous way he moved.

You wipe sweat from your eyes and try to slow your breathing, facing him again. He lunges forward again and your limbs tingle. You step to the side and bring your arms out as shutter’s sword sweeps past you and you let your elbow connect with his face, making a crunching sound as your elbow hit.

Shutter grunts and steps back, his sword coming back around as he aims at you. You step around him, away from the sword and your arm comes down over his wrist. He grunts and drops the sword but before you could do anything he jabs you in the side with his elbow. You stumble back for a moment at the pain, loosening your footing for a moment.

You look up at him in time to see shutter holding a dagger the same as yours but with blue stitches instead. The blade was clean, the light shimmering off it. He glares at you before stepping forward and dragging the dagger through the air towards you.

Your knife connects with his, blades clinking together briefly but firmly. Shutter was like a snake, a fast, deadly, determined snake that knows just when to strike. It was as if he had already watched the fight play out and was just having fun, playing along. He swiftly pulls the knife up and then down, the blade sliding over your chest. You don’t have time to react before the blade hits, sending pain rushing through your mind again, ripping downwards across your chest.

you jerk back before the blade goes to deep, so the blade leaves only a thin long scratch. You lunge at shutter, ignoring the pain in your shoulder as you sweep your blade at him. It hits his upper arm and he growls as he shifted back on his feet. You follow him closely, trying not to give him time to recover as you swing at him again and again. Eventually he recovers and you see his blade coming at you, positioned ready to kill.

Your arms fly up on instinct and you feel the dagger clash hard against your own, which was conveniently still in your hand. You feel your feet dig into the dirt as the blades slide against each other until the point where they held.

Shutter was still smiling that cold evil smile, his eyes fixed on yours. He seemed almost amused, like you fighting for your life was funny to him.  Things moved quickly during the next few seconds, and you barley register what is happening.

One minute your daggers are locked and the next shutter is swiping at you with his blade and somehow in it all you end up your back to his chest, his arm slung across your injured shoulder, holding you to him. You feel his dagger press against your neck, the cold sharp blade biting at your skin. Shutter shifted his arm, his elbow digging into the cut and you wince and give out a cry of pain.

“You shouldn’t fight me, your gymnastics moves won’t save you now.” Shutter whispers in your ear, sending shivers down your body and he presses the dagger against your throat harder, you feel blood trickling down from the small cut. You hold your breath, your heart pounds as he whispers in your ear again, his breath hot against your neck.

“Goodbye ___.”



hey guys! thanks for reading, i will probably update again tomorrow buut!  if you leave me a comment i will update again today! so make sure you do! 

thanks again for reading! hope you enjoyed!

and with that goodbye my lovely's.  goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the vampires bite ;-;

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