Part 18

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You sit in the car and feel your eyes drooping. Since you and shutter had been the last out, you guys had to sit next to each other. He was really warm and you were having difficulties staying awake. Your head droops again and you hear him sigh next to you as your head jerks up.

He puts his hand on your forehead and pulls it down so that it rests on his shoulder. You try to pull away but he keeps your head on his shoulder until you stop struggling. After a few moments you couldn’t help it, your eyes slide closed and you relax against him, your mind drifting almost immediately to sleep.

In your sleep you hear faint voices and somewhere in the back of your mind you realize that you’re being carried. You hear a door close roughly and a minute later another door closes. You feel someone put you down, smoothing out your hair as you snuggle up to the blankets, your mind fading in and out of consciousness. Eventually registering that something was brushing against your skin, you ignore it though, to comphy to move.

You wake up the next morning in a warm bed. Something was wrong though, you sit up and look around. The room was bright, the walls a soft pastel yellow and the covers of the bed were midnight blue. You frown, something was wrong… but what is it? You kick off the blanket and gasp as the cold air hit your bare skin. ‘Wait! Bare?!?!’ you look down to see that your only in your bra and underwear. You stare down at your exposed body in horror, the blanket down at your waist.

You look down at the red and black fabric, your brain refusing to think. Then, finally you think ‘someone undressed me!’ and your face goes red, anger pumping through your veins. The door knob twists and you look at it quickly. The door pulls open just as you realize that the blanket is still around your waist.

You stare as the door opens. A girl walks in, she has brown hair and dark brown eyes. She reminds you of vanity, and you sigh in relief. ‘At least it wasn’t one of the guys.’ You think pulling the blanket up to your chest.

“Hey.” The girl says, closing the door behind her and smiling at you.

“I got you some new clothes to wear.” The woman says smiling and dropping a pile of clothes on the bed. Walking over to a door you hadn’t noticed and opening it, revealing a small bathroom.

“I hope they fit. Oh, and breakfast will be ready soon.” She says, leaning down over the tub and turning on the tap and putting her hand under the tap.

“It takes a while to get hot, and we don’t have a shower so you will have to take a bath. I’ll come back when breakfast is ready.” She says. Wiping off her hand on a hand towel around her waist. She smiles at you before leaving quietly, closing the door behind her.

You soak in the bath and try to relax as you grab the soap and wash off your skin. You lean back, enjoying the feel of your first proper bath in… you pause in your scrubbing. ‘How long ago was it? A week? Two?’ you shake your head, giving up and dunking your head under the water. Shortly after getting out and drying off you get dressed in the oversized button up shirt and a pair of sweat pants, which you had to roll up because the legs were too long.

You walk into the hall, still fiddling with the waist band of the sweatpants when the smell of bacon and eggs reached your nose making your stomach growl loudly. You walk into the kitchen to see Keith sitting at the table reading a paper while someone stood at the stove, cooking. There was also a small boy playing with some toy cars at the table. The lady at the stove looked over her shoulder and smiled at you.

“Good morning ____, I’m Sarah and this is Toby and you’ve already met Keith I expect.” She says smiling. The boy, Toby, stops playing with his cars and just stares at you. You give a small wave to the boy, having never felt comfortable with children and smile at him.

“Can you go wake up the boys please? They’re in the lounge room.” Sarah says as she turns back to the stove. You stand there for a moment and look around until Toby points at a door to your left. You move towards it silently and open the door, glancing back at the kitchen before the door swings closed behind you.

You can’t help but laugh at the sight before you. The boys were scattered around the room. Blade face down on the floor, legs tangled up in a blanket with jay next to him, jays arm across blades back. Shutter lay slumped over in the armchair with a blanket covering him, shadow curled up by his feet. Colten was laying half on, half off the couch a blanket at his feet and his pillow on the floor beside the couch.

You look around and spot a marker, you groan in exasperation. It was just too good of an opportunity to pass up. You grab the marker and after checking that it was washable you twist off the cap, turning to the boys. You were ready to do this.

After 10 minutes you had finished ‘decorating’ the boy’s faces and you sit back to admire your work. You grin and stand, walking over to where jay lay on the ground kicking his side gently.

“WAKE UP!” you shout in his ear. He sits up, nearly smacking you in the face as you pull back trying not to laugh at the startled look on his face. All the boys wake up looking confused and sleepy.

“Sorry, did I wake you?” you say tilting your head at jay and smiling sweetly.

“Come on, breakfast is ready.” You laugh and walk into the other room, trying not to give it away. The boy stumble into the kitchen one by one and a bunch off shuffling pursued as they all found their seats. The woman, Sarah, walked in holding plates of bacon and eggs setting them on the table before freezing as she notices the boy’s faces. she bit her lip, trying to hold back her laughter.

“What’s on your face?” she pinched shadows cheek before walking away and sitting down. Shadow frowned and looked around.

“What do you mean?” he yawns. Jay leans forward, squinting at his face.

“Dude, there’s something on your face.” Jay says smiling sleepily. “Someone drew on your face.” He chuckles. Shadow puts his hand to his face then looked at jay properly.

“Someone drew on your face too!” he then looks at blade. “And yours too!!!” he turned around shouting it too the boys panicking. Meanwhile you tried not to burst out laughing while everyone else looked highly amused.



last chapter for today!! merry X-Mas!! and since it is christmas i decided to end it on something happy!! yay me!! lol so anyways thank you for reading! hope you enjoy the story!!

and with that! goodbye my lovlies!                                                                                                             goodnight, sleep tight, dont let the vampires bite ;-;

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