The Blue Note

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The blue note

Behind the door I have lain

I do not wish my life to fade

Around me may be dark and black

But you know underneath there lays a heart

I hope you know me well enough

To keep your arms wide without regret

You read the note again. For some reason it made you want to go behind the door, see who was on the other side. But you make yourself read the rest of the notes before returning to the door, so you put your hand on the doorknob and let the door swing open. The room was nice, crimson walls and  black and gray patterned carpet. A bed lay pushed against the wall, a desk to the right side of the room and a small wardrobe on the left side beside the window. Other than the furniture the bedroom was empty. You step into the room frowning, you notice a box on the bed with a small yellow post it note with the words ‘open me’ written on it. The box was blue with small purple flowers on the outside.

You do as the note says and are greeted by another piece of paper and a bottle of some sort. ‘No, it’s a… spray can.’ You think picking up the bottle and looking closely at it. The label had been ripped off but you could see green paint drying on the cap. You pull the note from the box and set the bottle back down.

'This room may be light

But what happens when we turn out the lights?

Use your eyes and you will see

Something that will lead you to me

Take your time cuz I will wait

But make sure you aren’t too late'

You groan at the stupid poetic writing and get up to close the curtains, the only source of light in the room. You turn around and are surprised to see writing on the walls. In big, green, glowing letters it says.

'Go down the hall and up the stairs

The door is open for those who care'

You nod, at least it wasn’t something you couldn’t understand. You place the note and bottle back onto the bed and walk out of the room. You go down the hall and head up the stairs, wondering who it was that wrote the note. You look around and find an open door and you step into an attic. You look around and notice that it was clean, no cobwebs or dust.

The room was bright, with windows on either side. There was a couch and a TV along with a coffee table on a bright blue rug. The place was really open and airy from where you stood. You glance out of one of the windows and you have to take another look. You could see out over the forest and mountains off in the distance, your mouth drops open in amazement. It was beautiful.

“Do you like it?” someone asks from behind you. You turn around and smile.

“I love it.” You say, smiling at shadow who smiles back with blush on his cheeks.

“So, you found my note?” shadow asks awkwardly. You nod at him and he is silent for a while and he bites his lip.

“___, I love you.” you says, his arm coming up to rub the back of his neck before he forced it down again. You stare at him for a while before smiling.

“Shadow, I love you to.” You say and you watch as he bites his lip again. You could tell he was trying not to be shy and it made you smile.

“Th-then you won’t mind me doing this.” Shadow say pulling you closer and pressing his lips to yours. You immediately respond, tangling your hands in his hair. You feel shadows tongue slide over your bottom lip and you open your mouth, granting him entrance. His tongue slides into your mouth, shyly at first but gaining confidence. You feel his hands slide down to your waist, pulling you closer to him. His hands move to your legs and he pulls them out from under you, making you yelp into the kiss as he wraps your legs around his waist. He carries you over to the couch and lays you down, hovering over you.

“You are beautiful.” He whispers, breaking the kiss and smiling down at you. You smile back at him and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him back down for a kiss. He breaks the kiss again and starts kissing down your neck, his lips trailing over your jaw and down to the base of your neck. You giggle and push him away.

“That tickles!” you say and he looks up at you, grinning like a cat. He tugs at your shirt pulling it up a bit and looks at you. The smile dies on your face as you feel the tension in the air, and you nod at him, swallowing hard. He slowly pulls your shirt over your head, his fingertips running over you, leaving Goosebumps on your skin. He looks down on you for a moment before leaning in for another kiss, his hands running over the skin of your stomach and slowly traveling up. You pull his shirt and his sits up slightly, letting you pull his shirt over his head.

Your eyes glance over his broad chest and smooth stomach. You trail your hands over his defined muscles, pulling him back to you. His hands find your bra and his hands grip your breasts, making you moan into the kiss.

~time skip~

“I love you.” shadow says softly and kisses the top of your head making you smile and look up at him.

“I think that’s the hundredth time you’ve said that.” You breathe and smile wider at him. “But I still love hearing it.”

Then I’ll say it again, I love you.” he says, grinning at you.

“I love you too.” You say reaching up to land a gentle kiss on his lips. The kiss starts to get heated and passionate, his hands trail down your body.

“Shadow! ____! You coming down for food or do you want to stay up there forever?” jay shouts from the door, knocking. You and shadow gasp, separating. You look towards him and your stomach growls loudly making him sigh and shake his head.

“I’d rather stay in here forever!” you yell playfully at the door, winking at shadow making him blush.

“Don’t make me break down this door!” shutter shouts after a few seconds, then he adds. “I know what you did, and I’m not the happiest person in the world right now!” you glance up at shadow and see him slightly panicky, you sit up and he grabs your clothes from the floor.

You pull on your clothes and shadow pulls on his, seconds later shutter kicks the door open making you both jump. You spot your bra on the floor and you quickly kick it under the couch, holding your hands behind your back as if trying to look innocent. Shutter stands in the doorway with a grin on his face and you see the guys peering behind him.

“My baby brother’s growing up.” Shutter says, making you both blush before he walks out and jay yells something about food.



thanks for reading! hope you enjoyed! i have other wwyff's (who would you fall for's) on my account as well as other things :) feel free to check them out! 

and with that my lovelies... for the final time in this story...                                                                        goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the vampires bite ;-;

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