Part 28

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You had all been walking for about three hours now. You had left about 6 in the morning and had stopped every hour for a short rest. Each time you stopped easy conversation would break out, joking and smiling the whole time. But now that you guys had been walking for so long, your legs tired and sore, and everyone was pissed off, hungry and tired.

“Shut up!” you shout, not looking over your shoulders.

“Shut your damn mouth, mutt.” Shutter growls through clenched teeth.

“Or what? What are you going to do nasty leech?” blade growls back dangerously. They had been going at it for a good hour or two, throwing insults like crazy, snapping comebacks and arguing over god knows what.

“You’ve got some nerve, you know that?” it would have sounded like a compliment if wasn’t for shutters cold hatred filled tone, every word dripping poison.

“Did you get that comeback from your mom or from a three year old?” blade retorts. You let out a growl, feeling your hair flare up as you turn around and face them with your teeth clenched just as tight as your fists were.

“Guys! Stop it!” you say again, but the boys ignore you, facing each other and standing close. Shutters eyes flashed red and you could see blades flash a yellow orange as if to reply to shutters eyes. But neither one of them seemed to notice.

“Was your mom drunk when she came up with your name, or was she just retarded?” shutter says with an icy tone. Blade seems to bulk up slightly, like he was growing right before your eyes. His eyes flash again, this time with gold highlights and he started shaking.

“Watch it blood sucker” He growls, his voice coming out in a rumble. 

“Watch what? I don’t wanna be looking at you. I’m nearly going blind from the hideousness of your face. So which side of the family did that come from Mr. Frankenstein, your father or your mother?” shutter seemed to know just what to say to aggravate someone. His eyes flashed again, this time the bloody color staying and you see his hair ruffle even though there was no wind. The air feels tense and you hear everything go still, as if the world stopped suddenly to stop and watch this unfold.

“Don’t. You. Dare. Talk. About. My. family.” Blade growls and his fists clenched more by his side and his skin seems to ripple, color washing under his tanned skin and making the air become heavier, the gold yellow orange color consumes his eyes, it seemed to glow in the shade of the trees.

“Don’t you like me talking about your retarded family?” shutter sneered. Giving blade the final push he needed. Blade snapped, his skin ripped and he leaps forward but his feet barely touch the ground when everything changed. His body now covered in an ashy gray hair and his eyes glowing orange. His body moved under itself, reshaping itself. It stretched his bones and he became a wolf.

Blade and shutter would have collided if they hadn’t ran into something, it was like an invisible wall stood in front of them. Blade falls to the ground, landing on all fours and quickly trying again, scratching at the invisible wall looking confused and pissed as hell.

Shutter rises from where he had fallen and tries to break through the wall, but shadow and Colten leap in, shadow holding his twin back fairly easily as shutter only tried to move around his twin, not pulling at shadows arms. Blade was a different matter, Colten grabbed the back of blades oversized neck, pulling him back with his arms around the throat like you would a savage dog without a color. Only, blade wasn’t a dog, he was a wolf. Full of wolf power and anger, sending chills through whoever crossed his path. Blade plowed forward, ignoring Colten besides the odd snap back at him as he moved forward.

Jay was going pale, his skin losing color and he looked like he was concentrating really hard. Suddenly blade stilled, like he was in water that had frozen around him.

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