Me: I once heard that even grown ass men cry when they have aching teeth. Do you want to cry?

Qing continued looking insulted.

Qing: Only weak men cry because of little pain.

Me: You are suffering from toxic masculinity.

Qing: No. I have been like this since I was a kid. I don't take medicines for small pains. My parents never encouraged medications for this type of thing because they said our bodies will crave that habit. Taking medicines even for simple pains.

Me: I take medicines when my head is aching.

Qing: As you should. I hate seeing you suffering.

Me: Well...what do you think I feel now, seeing your suffering? Hint: I am not happy, Wang Qing.

Qing: I am fine. It just twinges. It's more annoying than painful.

Me: I don't think so. Oi, you don't have to endure it or suffer through it. Lets do something. You don't want pain relievers? How about clove oil? Clove oil is good to numb the pain of aching tooth.

Qing: No. I am fine.

Me: You are not! Stop saying you are fine when it's as plain as the day to me that you are suffering. I know your pain threshold is out of this world, tough guy...but please, listen to me.

Qing: (putting efforts to smile) I am fine, Love. Stop worrying. I'll be okay until tomorrow when I can go to my dentist.

I want to strangle his stubborn ass but in the end I let him suffer. Serves him right, he won't listen to me. We got ready for bed and went to sleep. But after an hour of hearing Qing stifled moans of pain and enduring the way he toss and turn beside me, I had enough.

Me: (climbing down from the bed) That's it! No more! You will take some pain reliever.

Qing: (sitting up) Dayu ah no, I am fine.

Me: Well, I am not! Take the medicine or else I will take it and also overdose in sleeping pills so I can sleep and not witness you while you are in pain.

Qing: (sighing) I'm sorry, Love.

Me: If you are truly sorry, take some pain reliever.

I went to our medicine cabinet in the bathroom and too two tablets of pain reliever. I also brought Qing some water. I watched intently as my fiancé finally did what I want.

Me: It will take some moment for the tablets to work. For now, lets do this...

I showed Qing a tube of oitment.

Qing: (suspicious) What is that?

Me: Cooling gel for deep muscle pain.

Qing: What? My tooth is aching, Dayu ah. I don't have deep muscle pain.

Me: We can use this to numb the aching nerve attached to your tooth.

Qing: Ah no!

Me: Ah yes. I've tried this before and it works. Sure, this ointment is usually used for muscle pains in arms, back and calves but I've tried it on when I had an aching tooth and it worked for me.

Qing: Good for you. Still no.

Me: Yes! Don't make me angry, Wang Qing.

Qing sighed in resignation before agreeing to my idea.

I readied the things I will need to help relieve the pain that's making Qing suffer a lot. I had the cooling ointment, the aloe gel and a chunk of ice wrapped in thin towel.

Qing: (upon seeing the wrapped ice) No. I don't need a cold compress, Dayu ah.

Me: Shut up and lay your head on my lap.

Qing let out a long suffering sigh, winced when his tooth ached again and then laid his head on my lap. His right cheek exposed.

Me: We will apply the aloe gel first because this cooling ointment can give you dry skin.

I carefully applied the aloe gel on Qing's right cheek before spreading some cooling ointment on the part where the pain was intense.

By the way, don't do this at home. This is a personal treatment I learned that works for me but I don't recommend it to everyone. I am no doctor and I don't want anyone to trust my methods when it comes to curing myself. So...don't try this at home, okay?

(But you are trying it on Baba?)

It's because Qing loves me unconditionally and he will forgive me if I ever mess this up. I don't want anyone getting hurt by emulating me. Just trust me...don't do this at home. Okay?

Anyways, I applied the cooling ointment after the skin of Qing's cheek absorbed the aloe gel. I waited for a minute before asking Qing if the ointment is effective.

Me: How is it?

Qing: The pain is lessening.

Me: Good. (taking the ice wrapped in a towel) This will be cold.

I carefully placed the cold compress on Qing's cheek to aid the cooling ointment. Qing winced because of the coldness but he endured it. Then, after just two minutes.

Qing: (surprised tone) The pain is almost gone.

Me: I think the nerves attached to your aching tooth is now growing numb. Same as your cheek.

Qing: Hmmm...

And then literally seconds later, Qing was asleep. My poor Sweat King.

I took away the cold compress and apply more cooling ointment on his cheek. Then I arranged him on his pillow and was thankful that he finally get to rest. It means Qing is no longer in pain.

No! He is not dead yet! I didn't kill words might convey that he is gone but no! Qing was just sleeping...ugh, I should find more words instead of using "get to rest" and "no longer in pain".

Anyhow...Qing was feeling good enough that he gets to sleep. We had some good hours of sleeping that night. In the morning, Qing woke up with his tooth still aching but he got to taking the pain reliever without too much push from me.

I think he had enough of my nagging.

He went to his dentist appointment and came back feeling a lot better.

Qing: There's still twinges but I am fine now.

Me: That's great. If it gets painful again and you need any help, I'm just here...

Qing: (smiling) I know. And I am lucky you are always here for me.

Me: Good that you know.

Right, his teeth has now been sorted. But Qing is still in a mood. He is quiet and grumbling. He looks at me and then grumble some more. I wonder what is wrong with him. He clearly has recovered from him toothache episode.

(Maybe Baba hasn't recovered from your biking accident. Just a thought)

Oh! Oh....

I see.

I'll...uhm...just hide from him then, before he starts lecturing me again. Alright.

Bye for now.

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