He just needs to choose the right path.

I shake my head, "Then, don't keep me safe... Just be the one to distract me from the dangers."

Leaning up in the fragile moment, I hover my lips upon his own and he eventually closes the distance – Lingering in the taste of my sadness upon tender flesh.

His kiss is silky and warm against my salty, cold tears and I fall into his touch when he wraps an arm underneath my neck and presses my face closer to his by tugging and pushing on my exposed hair.

Droplets fall to my shirt. I twist my fingers into his own.

My blood is suddenly turning into alcohol and i'm drunk on the flavour that his lips allow. Falling into a craving for more, I push myself further against his warm chest, chiseled to perfection with scars scattered beneath the cloth, and then suddenly, I want to run my hands over every indentation as he holds onto me.

Pushing him by his shoulders, he falls into the pillows and onto his back, with an expel of a breath and hair falling around his perfect features, I find strength in the battle within and pull myself onto his lower torso, straddling his hips and tugging his uniform off.

He watches me with fixating eyes and flinches when I pull the cloth over his head, lending me leverage as he lifts his tense arms up and lets his hands fall back onto my thighs, riding up the long skirt with desperate fingertips.

I graze my touch along every dent and curve of his scars and my eyes distort for a second to the point where I swear they are spelling out my name, I look back up to him and I am immediately pulled into central focus.

Panting between the short distance, we'll be connected until our last breath. I want to spend an eternity of love with him. Unconditional, irrevocable devotion – Him and I.

If only I could ask him to.

"Kylo?" I breathe.

Soft wisps of dark, raven hair, fell off his forehead and swept over his ear as he caressed the skin of my neck, jaw and cheeks as I bleed into the roundness of his face, beautiful features and deep eyes.

Those dark, glass eyes rimmed with thick, long eyelashes that brushed his cheeks every time he closed his deadly eyes, seemed to bore into me every time I looked their way; Holding all those deep seated emotions behind their curtain, which I had learned to read as though the emotions danced like fire, licking at the flesh of my skin and bones – Though right now, they fluttered down to a smouldering calm, sobering his thoughts as much as my own as he ignored the sound of my voice and crashed is intoxicating lips back onto mine.

His sly tongue licks at the entrance to my mouth and I grant him access as he indulges and I moan into his kiss. I'm almost squashing my nose on his cheeks as I try and push further into the passion and he groans beneath his breath when I latch my fingers into his hair and pull his head off the pillow.

Kylo's hands venture over my clothed body, exploring over the uniform. Then, without any hesitation, he grabs my blouse from the bottom hem and pulls it over my head, to which I break the kiss to get it off my burning skin.

Once my breasts have sprung free and his hands have already clamped around them, kneading the pudgy, soft mounds in his hands as if he was moulding them to his own heart's design, I begin to work the clasps of his thick, leather belt.

A shiver runs up my spine when I hear the euphoric sound of leather swiping through loops and the metal buckle falling to the floor as I use my shaking, drunk hands to undo the top button of his trousers, eventually ripping down the cloth on his firm thighs and keeping them halfway.

Cruel Destiny | Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now