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I seem to have been tagged by winterfiesta. Thank you for doing this if u are reading ❤️ (I doubt it... But if u r, I'll say that I love your stories ☺️). Hopefully I will update the next bit of the story for any person who stumbled upon it.... Tomorrow!

Oh well, onto the questions:

1. Things I love 😊:
Food (I mean who doesn't?), Playing Clarinet, Reading, BNHA, Undertale, Fruits Basket, Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus, Harry Potter, etc.

2. Things I hate 😡:
HOMEWORK, Being hungry, My sister annoying me 👿, Snitches, Science, and last but not least - Being mistaken for doing something, when it wasn't me... IF YOU'RE A SIBLING YOU'LL UNDERSTAND THIS! Hopefully...

3. Why do I hate/love those things?🤔:
I'll only do a few, as I did quite a big list 😅: Homework: Being a student during lockdown sucks, and generally makes you want to give up on life. Food: IT'S MY LIFE 🌭🌮🌯🍔🍙🍘🍚🍛🍒🍓🍎. Science: I don't understand anything, and ma brain just hurts 😵. Playing Clarinet: I've been playing since Year 4 (4th grade) and loved it ever since!

4. Do you like someone? 😳:
I've had a few crushes here and there, but I don't have one at the moment...
Maybe my Nintendo Switch?

5. Favourite hobby 📝🏺✂️:
Mine is reading fanfics!
I find many great ones, and despite people not finishing them I still enjoy the story knowing that they put time into it.

6. Tell a joke 🃏:
Well... I'm not really good at jokes, so I'll search one up:

Why do we tell actors to break a leg?
Because every play has a cast.

That was bad...

7. What is your goal:
I don't really have goal per say...
But if I had one on Wattpad, it would be to get at least a few people to read the story I'm writing 😄...

8. What do I want to study:
I love it, and hopefully it will help me become an author one day.

9. Sexual Orientation:
I don't really know as well haven't really made a decision on it...
But I think I'm a Pansexual.

10. Nominate 10 people:

Well... I don't really know who to say...
BUT! If u r reading this, I nominate you to do this challenge! You don't have to, but if you do that would be nice 😊 👍.

Authors note:

Well here was a bit about myself, I'll hopefully update soon and byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

𝑫𝑬𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑴𝑰𝑵𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵 (DISCONTINUED) (BNHA X Undertale Reader)Where stories live. Discover now