Chapter fifty six

Start from the beginning

"Oh." I mumbled and looked away, feeling something heavy tugging my heart.

We stayed quiet for a few minutes, both of us lost in our own thoughts when Evan's phone started to ring. I noticed how his eyes lit up in a very strange manner as he picked up the call. Suppressing my lips, I simply watched him listen to the other person then cut the call without uttering a single word.

That was not at all strange.

"Who was it?" I asked warily.

"My first shop back in New York. Just informing me about the birthday cake delivery they did successfully for the Senator's son. It was a big deal." He said nonchalantly and got up from the chair, grabbing the ice chips cup.

I grabbed his arm. "W-Where are you going?!"

"To get ice chips." He deadpanned. "Weren't you the one who said to get a new batch in a new cup?"

"I did! But Evan, I'm about to have another contraction any second now!" I whisper yelled. "You can't leave now!"

My heart faltered when he took my hand off his arm and shrugged. "I love my ice chips more."


"I'll be back soon."

"Williams!" I shouted as I watched him walk out of the hospital room.



He actually left. That bastard actually left me for ice chips.

Wait till he cheats on you with it.

I groaned in annoyance and looked up at the ceiling, hoping that Evan shows up before another contraction starts.

Fuck. Too late. I grunted in pain and held my stomach as I braced myself for another painful contraction.

"Ev-Evan." I whimpered and hid my face in the pillow, trying to take deep breaths.

How could he leave me alone when I needed him the most?

I squeezed my eyes shut and clenched my fists tight while continuing taking deep breaths just as the doctor had advised me hours ago.

"Damn you Evan and your ice chips to hell!" I screamed in frustration.

Suddenly I felt something warm yet a bit rough grab my hand and rub it gently.

"Shh...just breathe, pumpkin, inhale and exhale."

My eyes shot open and tears spilled from it when my eyes met with the pale brown one of my father.

"F-Fa-" Words got stuck in my throat and I choked on my sob.

"Just relax Maria, breathe in." He said calmly, gently rubbing my palm and I inhaled. "Breathe out." I released shakily. "Now do it again."

Few seconds later, my contractions passed but my tears didn't. I heard the door burst open and I saw my mother enter, but she stopped when she saw us and gasped softly, her eyes brimming up with tears.

Fiona came running behind my mother and placed her hand on her chest as she panted heavily.

"Thank God you didn't pop out the b—woah! Woman, you are too fat!"

Then there was an eerie silence. Thousands of emotions were swirling in me. My mother silently took a seat beside my father while Fiona kept fidgeting her thumbs and kept looking everywhere except at us.

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