Chapter twenty seven

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What is life? Life is a precious jewel. We can wear it and show it off to the world or we can keep it to ourselves and protect it. I rather fight for its safety, it's much appreciated. To notice it's small things and appreciate what it gives, is life.

Too cheesy, right?

Okay, okay. Let me do this again.

What is life? It's everything! From those little pastries and breads I make to the biggest four tier or five tier cakes I have made. Every second I spend with them is my life and that includes the woman who has been working in front of me for the past five fucking hours.

It's been almost five weeks since I came here and five weeks since that close intimacy between us. There is a very high tension between us and it's eating me out. I know that she knows it too, but she ignores it by ignoring me.

Intimacy?! You call that dry humping!

Ignoring that idiotic voice, I have also noticed few things about her.

One. She is a boss. Fifi told me about her totally different side at work and I had caught a few glimpses of it here too. Her lips are always twisted downwards and her eyebrows are furrowed whenever she works. Her voice is strong and dominating when she attends a call and at times it makes me want to squirm into my seat.

Two. She has changed. Physically to be exact. I don't want to talk about the mentally part. She has gained a proper amount of weight which now highlights her curves that I didn't know about their existence. Her cheeks are getting fuller and fuller and her ass is getting heavier and more bouncier.

And I can't touch anything, at least not at the moment.

Judging by the conversation I heard when I came here, she didn't eat breakfast or dinner. Just her regular plain cheese less pizza and salad. I found out about this when I was ordering for my lunch a couple of days back. I simply asked the Juan guy to send me the regulars Maria used to have.

I threw the food away as soon as I opened the box.

How was she even able to eat those? What's a pizza without cheese? It's just plain bread with a bit of toppings on it and she used to have that for months?!

I'm glad she got over those.

Three. Believe it or not, she loves her bacon, crisp and dry during breakfast. She is just too damn stubborn to admit it loudly. She doesn't like the juices coming out of it so she places all of them in tissue paper and waits for it to absorb the fat and she will not have anything else by the time the bacons are not bloody dry!

She usually has her lunch in her office during the weekdays and in her study during the weekends. We only have breakfast together in the dining room. No lunch. No dinner. Just plain awkward silence breakfast in the morning.

She doesn't eat home cooked food except for the cookies I make and she is also stubborn about those. She won't take the cookies hand in hand, believe me, I tried. She would just give one of her signature glares and walk away.

So a couple of days back, I kept a small box in front of her doorstep and went back to my room. An hour or two later when I got out, the box was still in its place, totally intact, but when I opened it, the box was empty. I'm going to say that they evaporated because I know that if I ask her about this, she will give me another glare and ignore me.

Sometimes, I keep a few pastries or muffins, but she never eats any of those except for a piece.

So I'm guessing Maria doesn't like too much sweet. She sticks to my cookies.

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