“Huh yeah i’m sure” I said sarcastically as I put on my strapped blue heals and some jewelry

“Right im ready” I puffed as I grabbed my iPhone and purse off the bed. 

“You look good, now quickly eat” Seriously? I did not feel hungry to be honest 

“No I’m not hungry” I said stubbornly 

“Then why could I feel your stomach growling?” He smirked 

“Because it hates you, now lets go pleaseee” I whinned pushing away the annoying subject 

Harry grabbed his keys and gave me a look

“Get in the car then” I followed him out, locking the door behind me. 

I hopped in the passengers seat awkwardly as harry joined me in the car. 

“who else is going to be there?” I said breaking the tense silence 

“The boys and the girls” I held back a smile when he mentioned Perrie and El. 

“Thought Perrie was on tour?” I said trying to make conversation. Why was everything so awkward?

“No, finished early” Didn’t know a tour could finish early but okay

He started driving and not paying attention to anything I was saying, so I decided to take out my phone

Good morning lovely people! Going to meet Simon today, wish me luck haha ;)! X

Sent tweet. 

In a matter of seconds, my mentions was blowing up wit questions and answers

Ohhhhh, good luck!  One said I replied with a simple thankyou and moved onto the next random one. 

Are you with Harry?  Another said, and again I replied 

Yes I am hun :) meeting up with all the boys soon x 

This is when I normally get hate so I decided to quit twitter for now. 

“Whats wrong Haz” 

“nothing” he shot back 

“Well there is something up isn’t there. Im not stupid” I lightly placed my hand on his knee which made him look at it.

“Just tired, don’t worry.” He confirmed as he smiled warily.

I sighed and started chewing on my nails, a nervous habit I had from a young age.

“Chloe stop that” Harry whined as he removed my hand from my mouth and intertwined our fingers.

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