Ask Book 2: Love Interests!

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[Ocean, Marcos, Gentlewoman, and Madison will make an appearance in the Second Ask Book!
But they won't be open for asks unless their respective creators are alright with that. And the creators can choose how their respective character will act.]

Spoiler: The book is set 4 months after the first one, and things had happened over that timeskip. Some pleasant, some... not.

•Nova & Ocean

-Oh dang where do you even begin with these two—
-Yes, the two have romantic emotions towards each other, but both believe they aren't good enough for the other.
-So Nova just acts like herself around Ocean- hoping these emotions will pass away with time- hardly getting any flustered... but tends to be kinda affectionate with the hugs, and WILL stammer around her from time to time if Ocean somehow becomes even more beautiful than she is now, basically being a disaster. Nova's thought's, no one else's.
-The two met when Sharaug decided to get together all her friends. When the whole group wasn't hanging out, the two would talk to each other and make some jokes. Nova would do the occasions idiotic act that Ocean would find amusement in.

•Slaughter & Marcos

-Ah yes, the chaotic power couple.
-These two actually started dating a few days later after Slaughter met with Marcos's dad. -As for how the two met, it isn't what you'd call a typical meeting of your future lover. No, it started with Slaughter breaking into Coffee's house, stealing all the freaking icecream. Marcos was of course pîssed that she did that.
-Slaughter sometimes acts as a personal guard for Marcos, to the point where she'll ask him if he wants someone dead or not, but feels she is understood the most with him to the point she'll shift into her wolf form when the two are alone... and yes, I mean an actual black timber wolf. She hasn't felt this way for a long time, and it feels nice. And before you ask; yes, they've done it and got a scolding from Sharaug and Choco.

•Passive & Gentlewoman

-At the beginning, Passive had more of a celebrity-sorta crush on her, but for not so similar reasons than others.
-Gentlewoman was kind and polite to everyone, even to those that tended to act like jerks and even then she was still nice! But even so, Gentlewoman would chose to fight if the situation asks for it. Passive admired those traits about her.
-The two started to officially hang out when Gentlewoman started giving dancing lessons to Passive, that is where feelings started to truly blossom... but those two are still calling each other 'friends' while everyone else knew better.
-Passive... doesn't think she's good enough, or specifically not good at all for her. G would do anything for her sisters, and Passive not only broke a p-
Oops! Spoilers~
-So Yeah, Passive is a useless gay.

•Spectra & Madison

-Ya know that one chapter where it showed Spectra teasing the others on their crushes? Welp, it's payback time—
-How the two met is actually the most normal thing out of all of them; at a friends get-together. From then on, Madison would be the first person this Android would ask to go on any from adventures to Starbucks.
-Spectra didn't learn of Madison's past until a certain demon told her and she didn't give a flying f***.
-"Whoever Madison used to be is who she USED to be, not who she is now. Sooooooo, shut up emo—" Spectra's words, and she hasn't even realize yet she likes Madison that way.... yet.

[And that's all! If any of the creators of the characters don't want them featured or have anything else against this, we can chat about it in the comment section.

Marcos & Madison - XxCoffeeQueenxX
Ocean - Softchild1982
Gentlewoman - Sharaug

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