Chapter 20 - Japan

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Akira's POV

They suddenly packed our things and dumped us on the airport. Many people were arriving and departing here since Patch Village is now well known worldwide. We got on the plane and we both slept for the long ride.

3:45 AM, I woke up. I wasn't that used in sleeping in the airplane. It was announced on 5:30 AM, we will be arriving in Japan. I stared at Hao who sat beside the isle. I can't believe that they reserved VIP.

"Miss, is he your boyfriend?" The flight attendant asked politely.

"Yes." Hao said before I could answer.

"You both look good together." The flight attendant giggled and walked away.

"You were awake? No... I mean... why did you tell that?!" I asked stooping myself from shouting.

"It's obvious when you say 'no' she could have said 'oh you should be because you two really look good together' or something like that. She is Hanako's present daughter and her mother is like that." Hao said.

"I see." I said mockingly and just looked outside. Pacific Ocean is really vast.

I just watched what's outside since there's nothing to do. When it's silent again, I looked at Hao and wondered if he is really asleep. One way to know. I layed my head on his shoulder and listened carefully on his breathing.

'He really is asleep.' I thought. I just closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Suddenly, he touched my cheek. I opened my eyes and tried to look at him.

"Go try. You won't like what will happen if you try looking." He warned. I just tried to sleep again.

'What's his problem?' I thought. I didn't fell asleep again when he removed his hand. I just rested my head. I checked the time and it's 4:50. I checked the surroundings and saw the ocean... again.

"Calm down. It's not like you haven't seen Japan." Hao said. I just remained silent instead of whimpering.

5:30, we finally arrived.

"Now I feel guilty coming to Japan." I said.

"Don't blame me there." Hao said. I noticed Kazuha, Heiji, Kaito, and Aoko with Ran and Shinichi. I thought of something and called Anna.

"Anna, if you will keep on hiding with Yoh, it's pointless." I said and hung up.

"By the way when did you two noticed?" Yoh asked.

"Since you guys hurried and dumped us quickly on the airport." Hao answered.

"Disappointing." Anna said.

"Are you Akira's kareshi? Can I borrow you for a second?" Kaito asked Hao.

"Sure but I'm not her kareshi." Hao said. The two went to a man to man talk. Kazuha went near me.

"Your kareshi is a hottie!" Kazuha said.

"Why don't you girls confess already? You guys are really loosers in this." I said.

"Shattup! We won't be sure what will happen." Aoko said.

"But Ran doesn't need to have a problem on that. Kazuha doesn't care 'bout it since Shinichi confessed. And I know your outputs when you confess." I said.

"What is it?!" They asked. Oh and don't forget to mention Kaito called all the gentlemen.

"All I can say is 'safe'. Those boys trusted me with their secrets." I said.

"And Miss Popular have boy best friends even if boys chased her." Anna said.

"By the way, who is she?" Kazuha asked and Aoko nodded.

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