Chapter 10 - New World (Part 2)

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Akira's POV

I woke up with wet cheeks.

"Nee-chan, are you crying?" My sister, Asukana, asked.

"Oh it's nothing." I smiled. 'Who was that fairy-like spirit in my dreams? What was I thinking in my dreams that no one remembers anything about this world?' I wondered.

"Nee-san, how many are your classmates. And what is your age again?" My sissy asked.

"15. We're just about 10 and they are 9." I said.

"Okay. Not asking who are they because I know who." She said. This 10 year-old girl is so curious about everything!

"Want to see all of them now?" I asked, giggling.

"No. It's school tomorrow, dummy!" Asukana said.

"Yah! You stupid Kana, AsuBAKA!" I said.

"Hahaoya! Onee-chan is bullying me!" Asukana cried.

"Hey. You are becoming a teen to be a cry baby. And you Asukikara, stop with the bully." Hahaoya said. I sighed. I stood up.

"I'll go on a stroll." I said.

"Come home as soon as possible, okay?" Chichioya said.

"Yes." I said. I strolled outside with a smile. Someone called me as I strolled. I answered without even looking who was calling.

"Yo. As usual, not looking who the recipient is." Hao said.

"I'll wonder if the recipient's voice ain't familiar." I said hanging up and looking back where Hao is.

"Nice prank, is it?" He said.

"Whatever. Where's Yoh? Don't tell me he left you while he went out with Ren, Horo Horo, Lyserg, and Chocolove?" I asked.

"Well... that is, I didn't joined them intentionally." Hao smirked.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. I was planning to go back home already.

"Leaving? Well, I see you anyways tomorrow at school." Hao chuckled.

"Yeah whatever." I said continuing my walk.

"Umm... you might want to hear this." He said making me stop and look at him.

"What!?" I asked.

"I gave your sister a bracelet. I told her to give it to you." Hao said. My instincts struck me not to accept it.

"Something's fishy." I said.

"Fine. You can throw it because you don't want to remember something but, hide it with these." He said giving me a round earings with a star in the middle colored in silver.

"What for?" I asked.

"A favor. Since you still remember shamanism." He said that striked me and make me realize who he really was.

"I was about forgetting it!" I complained.

"My apologies. Hide those where no one can find it ever again. I swear you'll forget about those." Hao said and made me cry remembering Akane.

"Promise me that you're not lying." I cried.

"Promise." He chuckled. I took his earings and held it tight. When I got home, my parents greeted me but they wanted to discuss something.

"Nee-chan, I suppose Hao nii-chan mentioned this." Asukana said.

"Yup." I said. I hid the earings and bracelet to the box that once contained the family magic.

"So... darling, is there something going on between Hao-kun and you for him to give that bracelet with a star?" Hahaoya asked me so serious.

"Nothing. It's my possession I bought one time. I just asked him to keep it for a while." I said. Every word rewrites the history.

"I see. You must rest now." Hahaoya said. I went to my room and held the bracelet. It's not my possession. It's Akane's.

"You're crazy enough to make me keep this." I muttered. There might be no magic but, Hao and I are the only ones who remembers. Well, we can forget about it unless no one opens my "Pandora's Box". I closed it and as if nothing happened.

"Nee-chan, what happened?" Asukana asked.

"None. Let's..." I said but something exploded that went through our house.

"ASUKANA!" I shouted seeing my sister dead. I'm shot with a shard of glass in my stomach that gives me pain. Anyways, I can't be saved. In my situation.

To be continued...

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