Chapter 4 - The Duty and Present

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Akira's POV

"My king, I heard that Yoh and the others are almost done with the plants. They finally obtained the elemental spirits themselves." I said. The king wasn't awake though but I have the permission.

"You must obtain the elemental spirits too for it is your specialty. The elemental spirit that is only for the queen to use. The one who obtain all and the second strongest after the Great Spirit." Hao said in mind.

"As you wish. I will use it to let the ones permitted to enter." I said.

After this, I needed to sit down on a corner and let them do their part.

Everyone was sent back and I was called.

"I heard that your mother made a school for shamans in human world?" Hao asked.

"Yes and Yohmei opened it just now. By the way, how is your cheek? By the chance, were you slapped by the Legendary Left..." I didn't finished.

"Nevermind about this. I just received an invitation to go to that damned school. Will you come?" Hao asked. Covering the slap mark on his cheek.

"I don't know yet because I need to support something while you are away. I heard that the list of students there are:

Asakura Yoh

Tao Ren

Lyserg Diethel

Chocolove McDonell

Usui Horokeu

Kyouyama Anna

Tao Jun

Usui Pirika

Tamamura Tamao

Umemiya Ryunosuke (Bokutou no Ryu)

Johann Faust VIII

Iron Maiden Jeanne


Asakura Hao

After a week, I will join too." I said. Since Hao didn't replied, I was preparing a way out. But he grabbed my hand.

"You can't escape me though I can't read minds anymore." Hao said. I smiled at him.

"I'm sorry but you haven't known about this Shaman Dimension." I said. He pulled me closer.

"Then tell me." He said. I couldn't move anymore so why do I need to resist?

"It's a dimension for Shamans to go in a group and train themselves." I said.

"Is it by group?" Hao asked. I nodded. He let me go and seems to change his mood. I held his hand and encourage him to go. He followed and we were walking out. We went to Funbari and saw the students were gathered.

"Nii-chan?" Yoh said in surprise.

"I-I'll be joining too." Hao said.

"Asaha!" I nudged.

"I decided to accept the invitation." He said. He glared at me.

"I'll be going." I said.

"You're not joining?" Ren asked.

"Pass." I said. I glared at Hao to shut his mouth. I went to Yohmei for the dimension that I promised.

Hao's POV

"Everyone! Keiko is waiting. She is your teacher." Yohmei said.

"Okaa-san!?" Yoh exclaimed. I sighed. It's just like a normal school for humans.

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