Chapter 12 - They All Waited

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Akira's POV

I revived my family in after 100 years after sneaking as a ghost. They won't notice me except Hao. I don't like to interfere them. I can't face them telling that I didn't hit my head for me to forget. Hao would know anyways.

"Akira-sama?" Akane said.

"I missed you. Who on earth was Asukana?! All I thought along she's my sister." I said in disappointment.

"You'll know. You act like Hao." Akane laughed.

"Shut up. I'm in the midst of looking for them." I said. Maybe their right. I might have forgotten something. Something precious slipped out of my grip.

"Are you sure you forgot something precious?" Akane wondered.

"Yup." I said.

Anna's POV

Almost no one knows how close I am to Akira. She shared me the book she studied to figure how did Hao gained control in his life. I realized that they never finished it. No one will understand unless they read it many times. I know what Akira has forgotten and it wasn't told how to bring back lost memory. She may be strong but I don't think she only hit her stomach that time. Might as well the head. So, I know they know she'll loose some of her memories.

"Anna, I've got the information you wanted. You're correct that Akira prettily remembers everything except a part of 'him', indeed. Her hippocampus was affected a little... very little that time. No wonder she's lively." My sensei, Kino, said. I sighed.

"Everyone couldn't wait until the right time. Now, why are they excited going to the Patch Village?" I said.

"They must be very excited to see her. Knowing she was present in that meeting." Sensei smirked. I gave another sigh.

"Hey guys! Look. I've never seen such book here." Tamiko said. She was given the permission to live again.

"The Silent One?!" Yoh said. We still have 3 years for waiting which makes me and most of us 10 years old. I walked to them and read the book.

"Anna?" Yoh reacted seeing my shocked expression.

"This artifact is just new. She would like to read this." I said.

"You mean Akira-sama?" Tamao asked. I nodded.

"I'm buying this for her." I said.

"Can we read?" Yoh asked excitedly.

"You can't. And don't let Hao know about this." I said thinking it is the best to do now.

"Yes ma'am." Ren said.

"Let's go back to the shared house." Jeanne said.

"Don't you guys think our shared house is too big? And our house here in Patch is just beside the shared house." Horo Horo said.

"Shut up and don't complain." I said. Sensei followed us. Well, Faust, Eliza and Ryu is in charge of looking after us and it just happened that sensei wanted to watch over me and Yoh.

"Anna, I am well aware that it is the information about Akira's rival?" Sensei asked.

"Yes. She's way too strong and I'm worried about her too. Her memories should be returned at any cost!" I said.

"But, a damage in a hippocampus is like impossible to retrieve." Sensei objected.

"Then there must be a way to replace it. 'Past doesn't matter and we should face future. Past is the lesson and future is the real experience.' That must be Akira's words by now if she was here." I said.

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