Chapter 22

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*Damon's POV*

It's been two weeks and I've loved every second of it. Jake came everyday, well after school. I made him go to school but anyway he came everyday and told me what happened while I was out. I smacked him a couple times when he said he didn't eat. Aren't I an amazing boyfriend? No. I'm not his boyfriend, I used to be. Used to. Ugh my heart. Jake should be coming soon actually, he comes at 3:00 everyday.

My dad has visited me too. He came in and told me he was sorry for hurting me and he accepts me but I couldn't believe him. He hurt me and I just couldn't so I told him to leave and thankfully he did.

Charlie has been funny. She told me funny jokes and brought my some McDonald's a couple times. She's an amazing nurse.

The door swung open and Charlie poked her head in with a sad smile.

"Hey." I said. She came in all the way and sat down on the chair by my bed.

"Hi baby. Um Jake called me and told me he will be a little late. He didn't want to call or text you because he didn't want to hear or read that you are sad." She said. I frowned and started at my phone. "He won't be that late though." She added. I nodded and she left.

*Jake pov*

I quickly grabbed Sam and slammed him against some lockers. I saw him waltzing through the office during lunch. Obviously I didn't do anything buy now everybody is gone.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I growled. He just smirked. "Stop smirking and answer." I spat. He sighed but kept that stupid smirk.

"Well I got a job here. A teacher is leaving and I'm the replacement." He said what? What the hell is he talking about?

"No you can't. You hurt Damon. There is no way you're coming back in his life. Because of you, I can't lift a hand without him flinching. I can't hold him in certain positions without him having a panic attack. You ruined everything." I said. I wanted to make him feel guilty. I wanted to hurt him but I don't think he even has a heart.

"I'm not the one who let Landon get him, now am I?" I loosed my grip feeling guilty. "I didn't keep him there for almost two weeks and have them hurt Damon. I didn't go on that date with Jessica and have his mom come pick him up." He paused and got close to my face. "I didn't do the bet with my best friend. I didn't date him because I lost a bet." How? How does he know all of that?

"How do you know that?" I asked letting go of him. He smoothed out his shirt and cocked his head to the side.

"I told you before. I know people." With that he walked away. He knows everything.

*Damons POV*

Jake is an hour later. He hasn't called or texted me so I'm getting worried. He always calls me if he's late. I want to see him.

Thirty minutes later the door slowly opened and Jake walked in. I smiled wide until I saw his sad face. He set his backpack down before coming to my bed and cuddling up to me. His face was in my back and his hands were around my waist.

"Jake? What's wrong?" I asked. He took a shark breath then let it out slowly. I played with his hair encouraging him to talk.

"You wanna know something?" He asked not moving his head from my neck. His hot breath ticked my neck but I managed to keep my laugh in. I stayed silent because I knew he would tell me anyway. "School sucks and I hate it. Richy is completely ignoring me for his boy toy Thomas. Sam is getting a job at the school. You arent-" I didn't want to hear the rest so I inturupted him.

"Sam is getting a job at our school?" I asked. Jake put his head up and I could feel a panic attack coming on. No he can't be back. He hurt me. He should be in jail. Or prison.

"Damon! Listen." Jake frantically said while grabbing my face. "I won't let him hurt you." He whispered. "Not again." He slowly leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. I started calming down but now I needed some air. I pulled away and took a much needed breath. "Are you okay now?" He asked. I nodded my head as I took a couple more breathes of air. He smiled uneasy. "Can I-um. Can I tell you something?" He asked. I nodded my head. He gulped and closed his eyes before opening them.

*Jake POV*

I'm going to do it. I can do it. I opened my eyes and looked into his beautiful eyes. Everything I didn't notice before I notice now. How is long hair is a lot longer than when we first met. How is nose crinckles up when he smells something gross. How he has a small freckle right above his lip. I'll finally admit it. I'm gay but only for Damon. He's so cute and sweet and strong and ugh. To much girl emotions.

"I-I like you you Damon. A lot. And I really want to be with you. I want you to be my boyfriend again. Please?" There. I admit it. This is not part of the bet. I really like Damon. Only Damon is attractive to me. No other guys. Damon wasn't responding and it scared me. What if he doesn't like me anymore? He could still be mad at me for letting Landon take him.

"I don't know. I'm broken. I'm dirty. I only make you worry and you deserve better than me." Ouch. My heart kind of broke at his words. Is he being serious right now?

"I dont care if you are broken or dirty and you aren't dirty or broken. I like you. I don't deserve anybody but you." I said truthfully. I looked right into his eyes before slowly leaning in. Our lips connected after what felt like an hour and everything felt amazing. I felt amazing right now. He kissed me back immediately and it was just...ugh...words can't explain how this feels. He put his hand on my cheek and I put my hand on his hip, rubbing circles with my thumb on the gown.

"OH MY GOD!" We pulled away and saw Charlie smiling. "Yay! You're back!" Damon blushed and put his head in my neck.

"Be my boyfriend?" I asked. He nodded and I kissed his head, smiling like an idiot.

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