Chapter 2

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*Jake's pov*

I drop the fag off at his locker then go to mine. I called him my boyfriend infront of Jessica. I pull out of phone and text Jessica.

Me: He's not my boyfriend. Stupid bet. Can I come over at 9?

I put my phone away and grabbed my books for math. My phone went off playing Addicted by Saving Abel. I pulled it out and looked at the message.

Jessica: Oh wow. Yeah come at 9 babe ;)

Did she really have to do the wink face. I went to my first class and saw Richy.

"Hey Richy." I said sitting down by him. He smiled and turned towards me.

"So I heard you're going to Jessica's tonight?" He questioned with a smirk.

"Yup." I commented popping the 'P'. He laughed and I gave him a confused look.

"What about your boyfriend? I saw you holding hands. You guys look so cute." He said in a high pitched voice.

"Oh my gosh, shut up!" I yelled then punched him playfully. He just turned his head and smirked. I looked too and saw Damon standing in the doorway. I gave him a flirty smile when he walked past and I saw him blush. Damn, he blushes easily.

"Oh by the way," Richy whispered into my ear. "You can't do anything to make him break up with you. He has to break up with you. He has to do it because he wants to." My head snaps towards him and I growl.

"That's not fair." He just smiled and turned towards our teacher. This is horrible.

*Damon's pov*

After school I went home quick because my wrist was killing me and I needed Ive. I kept bumping it on accident. I havrnt seen Jake since first but I didn't care. I ran into my house and got an ice pack from the freezer. Dad won't be home till four so I have around an hour and a half to clean.


Four o'clock rolled around. My house was all clean but dad wasn't home yet. I looked at my wrist and it was all swollen. I didn't want to go to the hospital so I went to Jake's house. I know his mom is a nurse so she has to have some stuff for a broken wrist.

I knocked on their door and Jake answered.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked puzzled.

"Um can I talk to your mom please?" I aksed. He nodded and opened the door for me to come in. I waited as he shut the door and then he led me to the kitchen where his mom was making a drink.

"Mom, Damon wants to talk to you." Jake said.

"Oh Damon, how may I help you?" She asked sweetly putting her drink down.

"I was wondering if you had anything for a broken wrist?" Her eyes went wide and same with Jakes.

"How did you break your wrist Damon?" Jake asked. Shit, I didn't think of this.

"I uh... I fell down my stairs." I thought that was an okay excuse.

"Okay sweety. Go sit down on a chair bin going to get some stuff." She leaves when I sit down. Jake leans against the fridge staring at me.

" I know you're lying. How did you break your wrist?" He asked again. I shook my head and looked down. "Fine don't tell me. Where is your mom? I hacent seen her at your house for two days." I felt tears treathen to spill but I wouldbt let jack see me weak.

"Um, I don't know. She left yesterday morning. I haven't seen her." A tear went down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. Soon his mom came back and I was greatful.

"Okay honey. I got everything." She started working on my wrist. I looked up at Jake to see him staring at me. "Alright. All done." I looked down at my wrist to see a blue cast.

"Thank you. Ill earn some money to pay you back." I told her. She shook her head and smiled.

"Its okay darling. You don't need to. You're going on a date with Jake tomorrow right?" I almost choked on air. I slowly nodded and she gave me a sad smile. "Just be careful hun." Jake had a coughing fit and his mom was quiet. She gave me a sympathy look. "Okay, I'll leave you two alone. By hon. Take care. Tell your mom I said hi." I nodded and she left. I stood up and headed to the door.

"Where are you going" Jake asked like I just did the worst thing known to man. I turned to him.

"" I told him but it came out more like a question. His face sifted and he nodded.

"Before you go, I need your number." I nodded and told him my number. After that I said bye and left only to see my dad still wasn't home.

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