chapter 13

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*Damon pov*

Luke left after we had a small make-out session. I stayed on the Richards couch for a little wondering if I should go ask Jake for a blanket and a pillow. Its about 7:30 pm right now but I'm tired. I guess ill have to go ask. On second thought, no I'm fine. I took off my shoes and laid on the couch. I was cold so I tugged my jacket closer to me and closed my eyes. I kept my eyes close as I heard someone come down the stairs. The footsteps were too heavy to be Aron's or Mrs. Richards so I guessed it was Jake. I heard him sigh and him moving so I assumed he left but soon something was draped over me. A blanket. My head was lifted and I tried so freaking hard to not open my eyes when he gently laid my head back down. I found my head on a really soft pillow. I felt lips brush my forehead.

"Goodnight Damon." He went upstairs after saying that. I opened my eyes and smiled a little.

"Goodnight Jake." I whispered then I actually fell asleep.

*Next morning*

I woke up to a small knock on their door. I looked up at the clock and saw it was 9:40 am. Who would wake up this early on a Saturday? Nobody came downstairs so I opened the door. Jessica.

"Oh its you. Is Jake ready? We have a date to go to." She asked with hatred.

"I'm right here." Jake said form behind me. He was dressed in a tux with his hair spiked to the side. He looked cute in a tux. I looked back at Jessica. Her blonde hair was all curled, she had a light blue dress on that went to the floor. It had a v-neck and she had a pretty necklace on.

"Come on we are going to be late for the dance." Jessica whined. Dang this girl is so annoying.

"Dance?" I questioned. Jake was tying his shoes then started on his tie that matched Jessica's dress color.

"Jessica's parents every year have a dance and I'm Jessica's date. Damn tie." He cursed when he had to redo his tie again.

"Here. Let me help you." What? Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I don't know how to tie a tie. I went by and pried his hands away then I did the tie. Nobody said anything. "There. All done." I whispered going back to the couch. I started folding the blanket.

"Thanks. Come Jessica. Lets go." Jake waved to me before grabbing her and they left. Gun. Bullet. Heart. Broke. I sighed and put the blanket on the pillow then decided to go to the ice cream shop. Yesterday Charlie said I need to go on walks a lot. That's the only time she talked to me. It wasn't a long walk. Maybe 30 minutes or so? I walked in to the ice cream shop and saw Luke. I thought he was alone so I was going to call to him but he shifted in his seat and I saw a girl, lip-locked with him. What? No this isn't how this story is supposed to go. Who ever is writing my life is just trying to kill me with sadness.

"Happy year anniversary babe." Luke said pulling out a red rose! NO! That was our thing. Well Luke's thing. I always got him a pack of Pokys. I knew he loved them.

"Happy year anniversary babe." The girl said pulling out a box of Poky. The worst part is he kissed her again and whispered

"I love you." See Damon. He doesn't love you. Shut up brain. I rubbed my eyes to keep the tears from falling. you know what? I don't care if anyone in this room doesn't like swearing.

"Fuck you!" I yelled. Luke turned in his seat and his eyes went wide. "Fuck you and your bitchy girlfriend. You fucking asshole. Fuck you! I HATE YOU!" I heard him yelling my name as I ran all the way home. Mom can freaking take me away now. I don't care anymore.

I ran through the front door to see mom drinking coffee. Dad wasn't there, he was probably at work or he is still sleeping. He does that a lot. Damon focus now! Oh yeah.

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