Chapter 4

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Picture of AAron

*Jakes pov*

How in the bloody hell did they find me. I am so carefu-. that mother fricker of no good crap. I'm gonna kill him if he got involved again. As they made their way over here i noticed the little things. Landon-the leader- had blue tips to his blonde hair, he had a busted lip too. Dillon was the one on the right and Zane was the one on the left. They were twins. Not identical but they had a small scar above their lip from child birth. They had all gotten in shape since i was away.

"well, well, well, if it isn't our favorite person in the world." Landon said sitting next to Damon. Damon sat there not moving a muscle. Landon put his arm around Damon.

"Get your fu-" He cut me off before i could finish.

"Now now Jakey. You wouldn't want the same thing to happen to Damon like Kylie right?" He smiled, knowing i did not like talking about Kylie. I leaned back and crossed my arms. Landon looked at Damon and started kissing him. But Damon wouldn't kiss back and might i say i am proud. Landon hissed and pulled away when Damon bit his lip hard. ouch.

"Baby, that was not nice. Kiss it better." Landon wined. Damon shook his head then crawled under the table and sat next to me. I slung my arm around his shoulder, possessively. He snuggled into my side and i smiled at Landon, thinking I've won."Wow Jakey, your new toy has guts" My grip tightened around Damon when he mentioned 'toy' "well we better get going. We will meet again. Have fun sexy" He said directed the 'sexy' to Damon, then he got up and left with the twins. I let out a sigh of relieve and loosed my grip on Damon.

"what the hell was that?" Damon hissed. I took a deep breath and looked down. His hand went to my thigh, rubbing it in a comforting way.

"Trust me, you really don't want to know." He nodded his head and started going under the table but i grabbed him and pulled him back to me, hugging him. I relaxed more when he hugged me back.

"It's okay Jake. Their gone" He whispered. I nodded my head and let go of him. He grabbed his ice scream and slid it over the table and grabbed my hand. We hate in silent until we were done.

"Come on. Lets get you home." I told him. He froze and his face paled. "Hey you okay?" I asked. He nodded and started walking to the car. "Hey I tried texting you yesterday but someone else was texting me. I think i put your number in wrong. Can you tell me it again?" I told him. He nodded and gave me his phone number slowly. For the contact name it went as fag because that's all he is to me. We got into the car and started driving.

After the silent drive, we finally made it to his house. I walked him up to his door and kissed his cheek. gag.

"Goodnight Damon." He nodded and went inside.

*Damons pov*

That guy at the ice cream shop did not seem innocent. He had a murderous look to his face. And that kiss was disgusting. I cant believe someone would do that.

"Goodnight Damon." I nodded my head and went inside. Jake didn't look good at all when the guy came in. Something is wrong and it's pissing me off. I lightly punched the wall and groaned in pain because it just had to be my hurt wrist.

"how was your faggot date?" My dad asked, coming into the living room.

"u-um, it w-was fine." I stuttered. He smiled then punched my face. I fell to the ground, tasting blood in my mouth. My head it the corner of the wall and my vision went black for a couple seconds but came back.

"You stupid fag. How can anyone want you? Because I know I don't. You're ugly and idiotic and a stupid gay fag." He spat at me and holy hell did it hurt. He got down by me and started hitting me. Blood dripped down my temple till it hit the floor. The hits just kept coming until everything went black.

*next day*

I woke up at 5:32 pm, on the floor, covered with blood. My ribs felt like a 3,000 pound truck drove over me. My face felt swollen. Dry blood cascaded my face and i felt fresh blood on the back of my head. Dad was passed out on the couch with bloody knuckles and a beer in his hand. Thank everything holy! I got up slowly and my leg killed so i collapsed on the ground. I know its not broken but something is definitely wrong with it. The only person I could call is the only person I don't want to see right now. I pulled my phone out and called him. It rang 4 times before he answered.

"Hello?" Jake answered. I tried talking but no words came out. Just groans. "Damon? Whats wrong?" I heard a bed creaking and then some shuffles. Damn he is lazy. "Damon, come on answer me" I only could get one small word out

"h-help." Then everything just... stopped.

*Jakes pov*

"H-help." Damon breathed out.

"Damon? Damon!" I was freaking out. I didn't go to bed till 5 in the mourning so it was normal for me to sleep till 5 in the afternoon. I skipped putting my shoes on and rushed to his house. I busted threw the door, they should really lock it, and I saw Damon on the ground. There was dry blood around him and the back of his head was still bleeding. I picked him up bridal style and ran to my car. I opened the back door and laid him in, not caring if i get blood on the seat. I ran inside, got the keys then drove to the hospital.

*2 hours later*(still Jakes pov)

"Um Jake Richards?" I looked up to see a doctor. I quickly stood up and waited for the Doc to speak. "So Damon is ... Okay. He lost a lot of blood, 4 ribs are broken, leg is fractured, he had a concussion and everything will hurt for a couple of weeks. I just need you to answer one thing though." I nodded my head "Do you know who did this? I know he didn't fall or anything so please don't lie." I shook my head 'no' and he left.

"Wait Doc!" I yelled after him, running to him. "Can I see him?" He nodded his head and led me to his room. I got into the room and froze. I never really got to see his face but now that I did, it was all bruised. His beautiful face. No stop it! Damn. This stupid boy is making me think stupid things. I'm not gay.

"Um Sir?" I turned to see a cute blonde nurse. She was small but had curves in all the right places. She blushed when I looked at her. "Um y-you need to leave. Visiting hours are over." I nodded and walked to the girl. Tonight is going to be fun. If you know what I mean.


I woke up to a stupid little beeping noise and I groaned.

"Oh good you're awake." I looked to my left and saw a small blonde nurse. She was pretty. " You have been out for 16 hours by the way." I nodded my head and saw her smiling like a mad woman.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked. She jumped, as if forgetting I was even here. Great nurse. Sarcasm.

"Oh nothing. I'm sure you wouldn't like it." She went back to looking at papers.

"No please. I need some good news right now." I pretty much begged. She nodded and sat on the seat that was right by my bed.

"Well me and your brother went to my house last night and we hit it off. If you know what i mean." She ended with wink. Brother? What brother?

"Um brother?" She looked at me like I was the crazy person.

"Yeah your brother." she drawled out. "Jake. Your older brother." Oh my god.

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