chapter 20

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*Jake POV*

Its been two weeks. Two weeks with no progress! I'm starting to lose hope and thinking he's not going to make it. Charlie had been telling me everything the doctors say about Damon and a doctor was talking about pulling the plug early. Obviously I was pissed but then I started thinking why not take Damon out of pain? I know he's in pain and it hurts me. Half of me wants to take Damon out of his pain but the other half wants to see if he wakes up. I want to see his eyes, his smile. I want to hear his voice and his laugh. I want my Damon back! Ugh thats the second time I called him my Damon. We are not together. Well we were but it doesn't count because I didn't like him back then and it was only for like a month. Now everything is different.

Dillion hasn't been here since that night but I have a feeling he is coming soon. Don't ask how I know. I just have the feeling. Haha innuendo. No stop it!

Right now I'm in the waiting room, waiting for the doctors to leave Damon's room. They are just in there to check things. They do this every day to see if he is making progress but every time they come out they shake their heads.

Richy came by two days ago. He just wanted to see if our bet was still going smoothly, so I wanted to see how hard I could punch his face. He now had a broken nose and a black eye. Nobody noticed except for Charlie so I didn't get kicked out but Charlie made Richy leave.

Aaron and my mom visited a couple times. Aaron is worried about Damon while mom is worried about me. I haven't eaten a lot in the past couple weeks so I've lost weight. My stubble has grown a but and its really starting to bother me. Ive gone home a few times but only to shower. I want to be here when Damon wakes up.

A couple seconds later a docter that when into Damon's room came out. I stood up when he looked at me. He shook is head, sadly, and I knew it meant no progress. I nodded and went to Damon' room. I sat down on the chair by his bed and took his hand in mine. He was cold. Colder than usual. I pressed the nerse button thing and a nurse came in.

"Yes?" She asked. I smiled.

"Can I get another blanket for Damon?" I asked, rubbing Damon' hand trying to keep him warm.

"Of course sweetheart." She left then came back with a blanket.

"Thank you." I told her. She nodded and left. I put the blanket over Damon and pushed the hair out of his eyes. "Don't worry Damon. I'll take care of you."

*6 days later*

Its been six days and only one thing has changed. Damon is getting colder and colder each day. Doctors are getting worried and so am I. I don't now what to do anymore. He's so close to fading and its freaking scaring me.

Mom and Aaron are coming today. Aaron wanted to see if Damon is okay and mom wants to see me. I've eaten more because Charlie says Damon wouldn't want me to starve to death. I also shaved so I look okay. Except for the bags under my eyes from the lack of sleeping.

"JAKE!" I looked over and saw Aaron running to me. I picked him up and hugged him.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I'm good. Can I go see Damon?" I nodded an put him then looked at mom.

"Jake." My mom said sternly looking at my unfinished meal. Shit.

*Aaron POV*

I ran to Damon' room and dropped my backpack on the chair.

"Hi Damon." I said sadly. "Um you remember that girl, Jess? Well she told me she liked me today. Then she kissed my cheek. It was awesome but then the new girl came up to me and told me she liked me then hugged me. But she's weird. She likes Aang from The Last Airbender and I like Zuko. She told me she hates Zuko so I hate her." I said crossing my arms. I stared at Damon in confusion. He looked different today but I can't tell why though. Eh. Its probably nothing. "So Damon. I got this book from my library at school and it's all about Avatar: The Last Airbender. Here let me get it." I quickly went to my bag and pulled it out then went back to Damon. "See. It has all the elements and everyth-" there was this long peep noise that cut me off. I looked at Damon and he looked fine but apparently he wasn't because doctors came rushing in and one even pushed me out. I quickly ran to the waiting room and went to Jake.

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