chapter 14

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Star if you like :) song is Talk Dirty By Cody Carson Picture idea?


*Damon pov*

Jake drove past our street and kept driving. I gave him a questionable look and he smiled. I really missed his smile.

"We are going to the park." He looked back at the road, still smiling. I didn't smile but I was grateful. "Hey are you okay?" I flinched away when he touched my hand. "I'm guessing that's a no." He said.

"Sorry." I whispered. He smiled again, only this time it was big and bright. "What?" I asked slightly confused.

"Its good to hear your voice again." He told me. I slightly smiled and looked out the window as 'Talk dirty' cover by Cody Carson came on. Jake laughed and started singing to it. A little bit later into the song he turned to me."You have to sing the nerdy part okay?" I nodded my head and waited for the part. Okay here goes nothing.

"Its time to get dirty. Women are cool. They're really great. I wanna take them out... on a boat ride. Yeah! We'll fish and stuff. Women think I'm super tough. With my muscles. Cause I'm really strong. But I wont ask them to suck my dong. Respect. R. E. S. P. E. C. T. Ends in..... On a boat ride." I sang.

"Anyway, everyday, I'm trying get to it. Got it saved in my phone under big booty. Anyway, everyday, I'm trying get to it. Got it saved in my phone under big booty!" Jake sang. We laughed at ourselves and soon we were at the park. It had A seesaw, swings and a couple on slides connected together. Not much but I liked it. We got out of the car together and we walked the rest of the way to the park. I ran to the seesaw and waited for Jake. He laughed and got on, starting to go up and down.

"You are such a kid." He laughed. I smiled at him. We played on the seesaw for awhile not talking but it was comfortable. After a bit we went to the swings. My butt still hurts but I managed. We swung in silence till Jake ruined it. "Why did you leave?" I stopped swinging and looked at the ground. "Was it because of me? If it wa-"

"No it wasn't you." I told him looking up at him. "I just didn't have anything to hold me here I guess." I said with a shrug.

"What about your dad? Didn't you have him?" He asked.

"He hurt me." I said putting my head down again.

"What about Luke?" I laughed humorously.

"Ha. No. He was cheating on his girlfriend with me. I saw them kissing at the ice cream shop. It was their year anniversary." He nodded in understatement.

"What about me?" He almost whispered. I lifted my head slightly, looking at him through my hair.

"You have Jessica." I simply told him. His eyes went wide.

"What? No no no. Me and Jessica are not dating. Her parents make me go to that dance with her for fundraisers. We had our flings in the past but its all over." He said. I nodded and started swigning. What was I supposed to say to that? And why would Jake like me still? Im broken, Im gross, Im ugly. Someone cant even lift their hand without me flinching, thinking that they will hit me.

Why would Jake still like me?

"Well because you're strong, caring, lovable, cute, adorable and many more reasons." I stared at him stunned as he answered my head question. But then I figured out what I did.

"Did I say that out loud?" He nodded his head. I face palmed and looked down. Again. He stopped swinging and came by me. I flinched a little when he got on his knees in front of me.

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