Chapter 13

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Arpita couldn't believe she was sitting in the passenger seat of this expensive car and her boss was driving!

He had reached the office at 4:30 pm and immediately, they had left the place. Fortunately, there hadn't been much urgent work that had needed her attention so she had done by then.

But why wasn't Joseph there? Where were they going? She continued to ponder.

Twirling a hair strand of hers, she bit her lip, as he drove.


Wanting to eradicate the quietness, which wasn't really awkward but still made her nervous, her hand went to the music player. And lo! What is this she hears?!

He muted it the very next moment, glancing at her quite startled face. Clicking his tongue, he brought his attention back to the road.

"Why did you mute it, Sir? Do you not like the song?" Her soft voice reached his ears, melting him.

"I do. Why else would it be in my playlist, Arpita?" His voice was frustrated. She was going to laugh at him, of course, he was sure.

"It isn't Joseph's?"

"Why would it be his?" He shot her a confused, irritated look.

"Because... I don't know. I wasn't- really thinking, I guess." She chuckled, the sound of which smoothened the wrinkle on his forehead. "But I can't believe you like retro songs, Sir! Addy hates it when I play them. He says the sleepy music is for oldies!" She pursed her lips.

"You- listen to them?" It was his turn to be startled.

She nodded actively, "Only them," she beamed.

"...Wow," he said, not knowing what else to say, and increased the volume to audible standards, making her smile grow with it.

After a few minutes of them simply enjoying the melody, he found her humming to the songs. A softness filled his gaze as he occasionally stole glances at her while she swayed slightly with the rhythm.

As they reached Garden Wall Dwellings, he waited till the camera recognized his car number and opened the gates.

"Isn't this where you stay, Sir?" She asked slowly, her heart picking up speed with every second. Nervousness seeping through her.

He inwardly smiled. Of course, she'd know everything there is to know about her boss. "Yes, and I brought you here because... you said you didn't want a car, remember?"

"Yeah..." He had actually asked her for a free Sunday because most secretaries owned a car and he apparently wanted her to buy one too. It was supposed to be given by the company and he was adamant to buy her one, but she had argued with him that she didn't like travelling alone. And she didn't know how to drive a car either. So, she was better off without one. How is that related to this? She waited for him to continue.

"So, I can't give you that for your birthday now, can I?"

She sucked in a breath. He knew?

"Apart from that, this is what I really wanted to give you, Arpita." Pulling over in front of a modern normally-sized house, he turned to her, "A house."

A what?! She looked at him, horrified. He held in his chuckle. He got down, and it wasn't until he had opened the door on her side that she realized she had to get down, that this was really happening. Though all she wanted to do was refuse him straight out, she only managed to place her hand in his and step out of the car. He closed the door and gave her a small smile. Something that would've seemed like a set smile to others. However, she didn't miss the keenness shining in his eyes. The keenness that wasn't allowing her to just refuse the inappropriate gift.

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