Just as told, early the next day the two young skeletons were led down the plain hallways and brought into a large empty room. It appeared like a giant sheet of glass may had been in its middle at some point of time, the room having a weird and thin frame of sorts in its center.

The skeletons looked around the empty space in a shared confusion, following the head scientist who walked in front of them. Dr. Catrone stopped a fourth's way into the room, and the door they entered from closed.

The closing of the door was unexpected, the head scientist's tail twitching in annoyance. He turned back around and glared at the door. A minute or so passed before it opened again, Dr. Calbor quickly pushing in a large cart filled with battle training equipment. The head scientist sighed in relief, glad that the grizzly bear scientist hadn't fallen asleep on the job... Again.

"Sorry for the delay, Dr. Catrone." Dr. Calbor apologized. "It took a bit longer than anticipated to find it."

"It's fine." Dr. Catrone replied. "I'm just glad you brought it."

The other scientist smiled to no one in particular as he rolled the cart near one of the corners of the room, on the side where the room's entrance was. He then stood himself next to the cart, having been asked earlier to lend a hand during the training.

"Alright," The head scientist began, turning his attention to 1.1 and 1.2. "Time for an explanation."

"An 'explanation'..? What for?" 1.2 asked, curious, and still unsure of why they were here.

"The tests done on your souls yesterday helped us figure out both of yours magic. With this knowledge, we can train you both properly so you can take back what is rightfully yours." Dr. Catrone explained. "The tests revealed that One has the ability to create while you, Two, has the ability to destroy."

"What?!" 1.2 exclaimed. "B-but isn't destroying a bad thing?"

"It depends on what is destroyed." Dr. Catrone replied.

"He's right with that." Said 1.1. "Forest fires are a good example, destroying the old forest to richen the soil and make more room for new plants."

"Huh... I never considered that." Mused 1.2, beginning to over think the concept.

"In your case, the destruction of one universe allows more space for a new universe. This idea, in return, creates a healthy balance of creation and destruction." Explained the head scientist with a smile. "In simple terms, too much creation is bad and too much destruction is bad, so the amount of creation must be equal to the amount of destruction."

"I guess that makes sense..." 1.2 stated.

"When are we starting?" 1.1 asked, having ran out of patience.

"Impatient, aren't we?" Dr. Catrone replied, looking over at the bear scientist, exchanging a nod.

Dr. Calbor rolled the cart more central of the room, taking off training dummies and placing them standing up, a yard between each of them, in a line. He then moved the cart further into the room to the opposite side, spreading out a couple books and paper filled folders out upon the cart, the books and papers originally covered by the dummies. Afterwards, Dr. Calbor stood himself right next to the right side of the cart.

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