Lani And The Late Reply

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Lani usually sat at the back row. She would only say a little, do a little, and participate a little. She was supposed to be one of the students I'd simply interact without any emotional attachment. I did not even know her first name.

But this changed when I thought I greeted her in Facebook on her birthday. I thought it was her. When I saw her in class, I greeted her again. She was puzzled. It was not her birthday. When I checked again who was celebrating a birthday, I found out that the one I greeted was her sister. Her sister read some of the stuff I wrote prior to this event.

Since then, I teased her. She also teased me.

Because of these teasing, I became fond of her. I never knew how she felt for me, but I also had a crush on her. I think she and her friend suspected of my feelings that was why they frequently brought it up as a topic. But I never affirmed it.

After her graduation, she went to Japan. I thought she was there for good. When I already resigned, I was looking for her. But because I could not be honest with our common friends, I could not state the reason why I was looking for her. She deactivated her Facebook account. When I sent a message to her sister, it took a while before I received a reply but by that time my purpose of looking for her was already irrelevant.

When I saw her again, it was two years later. But by that time, I was courting Lady Four. I wondered if things could have been different if I received her reply earlier.

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