What To Do If She Goes Abroad

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Sandra was smart, creative, and playful.

Among my earliest recollections of her was when she sang in a song in class for a performance task. I did not expect that sweet, melancholic song would be rendered by her. She seemed to be too outgoing to sing a song slowly like that. It was like she was running like the wind but she left her song walking like a turtle.

But because of her playfulness, I sometimes felt that she was someone who could break a man's heart so bad. However, I never had any proof that she actually did. What I know was that she complained of another guy who did not man up to his promise.

Honestly, I intentionally did not engage much with her. She was somebody I could fall for, though I wouldn't be sure if she would stay for me. So, I used the cloak of my profession to have an excuse of not interacting with her that much, although she was hard to ignore.

Her real name was also close to the real name of Lady Two, the girl who broke my heart so badly.

I realized I must set a distance from Sandra when, while we were exchanging jokes, she responded to what I said by saying: "Sir, dito ka sa harap ko. Luhod. Luhod!"

She wanted me to kneel in front of her, and although that was in jest, I was surprised by the depiction she wanted me to portray.

But she could be a ray of sunshine.

A few months after I resigned, I found out she was studying in another school. We met in one of the restaurants in the vicinity. Although she could still be outgoing or playful, she had signs of someone who was thinking deeper than before. She had pimples on her face, but I still found her beautiful.

During this time, I was thinking about Lady Three and the three years I was hoping to get close to her. But Lady Three was so busy in life that, although she knows me and how I felt, it was a precious thing to be noticed by her. She also had a boyfriend who was close to her family. I was loyal to her for more than three years already. I was thinking if I could move on.

When I saw Sandra, I told myself I would court her. But I intend to confess once I got some things fixed and sorted out.

But, so far, it was not meant to be.

Sandra went abroad with her family. I did not even know what she thought of me or if I could have a chance. I tried knowing, and all I got was that she thinks highly of me and she wants to keep remembering me as her former teacher though our ages were simply three or four years apart. But I never told her how I completely felt for her.

This was why I courted Lady Four instead, though as of this writing she has also declined the relationship I was offering. She belongs in another story.

But because I truly thought Sandra had lots of potential to be better in life, I tried to help when I can. When she asked for my help in knowing how to get some of her records left here in the Philippines so that they could be sent abroad in order for her to start studying a higher degree there, I was glad I helped solve a problem or a bureaucratic deadlock that prevented her records from being released for a time.

I still wish her the best.

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