Students In Ramadan

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The first few weeks in classes were still part of the Ramadan or period of fasting that Muslims are engaged in. They don't eat during the day.

I noticed some of my Muslim students found it hard to cope with their academic requirements. Although they're used to it, it's not easy to learn with a hungry stomach.

This is why I decided it would be wise to have a plan or list of activities that would be done as well as the requirements that must be passed. It would be wise to be clear about the dates. It would not help if we would just give them a serious assignment and then they have to pass it the next meeting. Worse, some of them had to finish it within the day.

As far as my subject was concerned, I could still stick to schedule. There are activities they could do and prepare, and just submit it on the due dates. They still have to show up in class. They could still listen. But telling them what would be required of them in advance would give them the opportunity to schedule their tasks so that they could prepare their mind and body for it.

I am glad most of them complied.

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