Erika, Tess, and Nadia

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Erika, in terms of academics, was one of the most disciplined students in her section. I did not know much what she was going through but she likes to listen and ask questions. She opens up, but it's a little compared to the stories I've heard from the others. I noted her already because, although she was small, she can play tough with the other guys. I observed how she represented her strand in the student council even if her classmates did not like her at that time.

She had a classmate named Tess who cried on our first day of class. I was just telling stuff, sharing stories, and then Tess was reminded of her ex-boyfriend. That was why she cried. Since then, Tess was one of those I frequently teased in class.

I liked Erika and Tess because of their personality. They were both student leaders whose roles were different. Erika was brighter and seemed cognitively tougher than Tess. But Tess seemed more receptive to humor and was a person you can easily talk to. Erika, however, always seemed preoccupied back then.

They had another brilliant classmate, Nadia. But although she was not among those I liked, she could be a good political friend. There were deep controversies and academic discussions that she could do some cross-examination. Her classmates would go to her to communicate with me using technical terms, and it was as if that sometimes she could translate what I was saying to her classmates although we both used Filipino and English.

These were three ladies who frequently talked to me in their class. At some point, they each raised up separate ethical issues in terms of law and politics that made me become more careful in what I was about to say. Sometimes, when my political sentiments were going dark, they were there to remind me that I must return back to a sentiment that can bring me closer to a lighter and clearer conscience. We were like this for three semesters.

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