Crystal and Harriet

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Crystal had high dreams for her life. She was not somebody who frequently posts in social media, but she frequently went online to check updates. She wanted to focus on important things.

She said she was observing me for several months and she wished I would be one of her teachers. She was among those who frequently asked intelligent questions in our class. Aside from understanding political and legal systems, she was also interested with the motives and personal reasons of the people involved as to why they prefer a certain action over another.

She was becoming so familiar to me that I started noticing that she was pretty. I don't know if she noticed it, but she suddenly asked me one morning why is it that when I talk to her it seems that I was hiding something. She observed that I was not being true to my emotions when I was talking to her.

Well, I did not want to confess right there. My remedy was to tease her to a classmate she told me she had a crush on.

Harriet was in the same strand as Crystal, although Harriet seemed to be more intelligent than the latter. But while Crystal was inquisitive and engaging, Harriet talked and reacted less though she was also friendly.

What I could not forget about Harriet is that, while initially she did not know what to do when I saw her with her boyfriend, she admitted it later. I assured her there was nothing to fear. I actually laughed when I saw her reaction. I have already forgotten the feeling it provokes when a student is caught by a teacher being sweet with somebody. Other students won't care anyway. But there are still those who prefer not to be seen by teachers.

I saw that her boyfriend was not good looking. Her boyfriend is lucky or blessed to have her. When I inquired why she stays in that relationship, she and her friends answered that the boy was loyal and a real gentleman. In one of our unauthorized field trips, I saw the boyfriend assisting her and her friends. It was a romantic relationship that started with early years of friendship, and their parents even know each other. I could only wish that something beautiful as what they have would not be destroyed.

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