Food In Research Defense

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I don't know how this practice started, but students are usually encouraged to prepare food and drinks for panelists who would sit in their pre-oral and actual research defense.

I know there are students who complain here. I understand not all the time the panelists can give substantial or constructive statements.

But I hope teachers would not be pictured as some sort of hungry opportunist.

However, it is true that some of us get chosen to sit as panelists in times we aren't prepared and, we are indeed hungry, as when we are asked to do this early in the morning or during our breaks. But I guess it does not have to be expensive or beyond what students can afford.

I am fortunate to have been busy throughout my teaching years. There were times I would decline sitting as a panelist. There was a time I sat in research defense but, after making my comments, I hurriedly went out for my next appointment. I did not take the food and drink they offered because I was in a real hurry, and I wasn't in the mood to carry extra baggage.

Anyway, I wish the quality of our research would improve. Both students and teachers have a lot to improve on. This may include having more access to better quality academic resources. Funds for research centers can be considered. Schools may consider lessening the workload of teachers while giving them financial aid for research.

In fact, research and development (R&D) can be monetized. In the book Start-Up Nation: The Story if Israel's Economic Miracle, the authors wrote that R&D in Israel is a sector that contributes to the national gross domestic product (GDP) of Israel. They can make hundreds, if not thousands, of patents every year. Hoping our country can turn into something like that in the years to come.

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