[coffee shop]

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A/N if anyone reads my tratie oneshots (which you probably shouldn't read because they're not good but they do get updated more), this is just my 'coffee shop' au in that book with a few tweaks to make it fierrochase.

I'm so sorryyyyy that I haven't uploaded to this story in so longggg, but (and I covered this in my other a/n), I just wasn't motivated, and I'm still not really motivated, but I had this kinda already written.

anyway, enjoy!

Magnus hated coffee.

So why did he keep going to that same coffee shop?

It wasn't because of the intriguing barista. Not at all.

Today, as he stepped inside and heard the now familiar jingle of the door, he found himself glancing at the counter in hopes that they would be there.

'They'. He didn't even know their name, and yet he was becoming a regular at a coffee shop because of them.

He bought a cup of it every time he went into the store.

He drank it black, usually decaf, but he was having such a terrible day that she got it caffeinated, if only to keep him awake until he could crash at his apartment.

The barista perked up when he walked in, but he didn't notice. He was too busy running a nervous hand through his golden hair to notice the slight blush creeping its way up the barista's freckled face. He was too busy pretending to check a text on his phone to notice how they offered to switch with the other barista in order to talk to Magnus. He simply shuffled his feet nervously as he was greeted.

"Hello! Welcome to Dream and Bean Coffee! What can I get for you today?" they said it to be polite, knowing full well what his typical order was.

"A small coffee please." Magnus mentally cursed himself for the yawn that split his sentence. People weren't supposed to see his weaknesses, even ones as simple as not getting enough sleep.

"I'm assuming you don't want decaf today?" there was a small smirk on their face that only grew when they noticed him glaring at them.

"Shut up, whatever your name is."

"Alex. He, him, today."

"Shut up, Alex." Magnus didn't question Alex's statement, because he knew how it felt to be questioned unnecessarily.

"Fine, Magnus. That would be three dollars."

Magnus paused in pulling the bills out of his wallet, "How do you know my name?"

"Well-um," Alex looked nervous for approximately four seconds before composing himself, "You always come from the direction of the custom poems shop, "he paused to gesture to the left out of the coffee shop window, "and it's called Magnus's Poetry, and you look like you'd write poetry. Oh and there's a sticky note on your phone case that's talking about 'Magnus needing to remember something'."

Magnus blushed and handed him the money, "So you haven't been stalking your customers, then?"

"Of course not, Maggie! Why would you assume the worst of me?"

"Because the poetry shop is on the other side of town to the right of this place. And don't call me that."

Alex's cheeks flushed pink once again, but he gathered himself much faster than Magnus had, "If the poetry shop is on the other side of town, then why are you always coming to Dream and Bean? I know for a fact there's a Starbucks two minutes away from there."

"I like this coffee better."

"Please, don't think I've missed you not touching your cup every day. You don't like any coffee."

"Watching me now, are you? Kinda creepy, Al."

"Oh, so you get 'Al' but I don't get 'Maggie'? I see how it is. You're the creepy one, anyway. You come all the way down here, when you don't even like coffee, for reasons still unknown to me." his smirk suggested that he knew exactly why Magnus kept visiting Dream and Bean.

Magnus was about to make an at least half-witty remark, but was interrupted by the other barista addressing Alex, "Stop flirting with the coffee-hater, Fierro! You're holding up the line!"

Now Alex blushed for real, and hurriedly scribbled something on the cup that he had just poured Magnus's coffee into.

Highly confused, Magnus went to sit at his usual table in the corner to work on his latest poem, written about lonely summertimes. As he got his notebook out of his bag, he noticed that there was way too much writing on the cup to just say his name.

Curious, he moved the sleeve down the cup, and smiled slightly at what he saw in Alex's chicken scratch he called handwriting: Meet in the middle? 877-555-0100.

He glanced up to see the barista not-so-discreetly watching for his reaction while pretending to make someone's latte.

A slight nod of his head was all it took for Alex's hopeful expression to split into a wide grin.

Maybe coffee wasn't all bad.

so..yeah that wasn't great, but I hope y'all still kind of liked it!

I'll try and have a new shot out...I honestly have no idea when, sorry

on a happier note, THANK Y'ALL SO MUCHHHHH FOR 3K READSSSSS!!!!! that's actually insane, especially with my sporadic posting

Y'alls not-so-favorite self deprecating author, signing off! (ahhh it's been so longggg lol)


fierrochase oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora