[secret admirer part 3]

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A/N what? 3 chapters in one day? okay one was an author's note but still. enjoy!

I forgot last time but all of the "Secret Admirer"'s will be Magnus's PoV unless specified otherwise :)

Uh oh.

Here's a tip: when Alex smiles evilly, you run.

But I am an idiot, so I didn't run.

Now, don't get Alex's evil smile confused with her normal smile. Her normal smile is absolutely heart-melting, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, and- wait, where was I? I tend to get off track when talking about Alex.

Anyway, Alex was smiling evilly and I was 99.9% sure that I didn't want to know why.

"You owe me. I can change this, but right now I want us to go get falafel any time I want."

I was overjoyed. I thought I had gotten off way easy. Boy, was I wrong.

"Deal! Now, who do you think it is?"

"Um, Maggie, we might have more clues." I was confused, but when I turned around, I saw the stark white corner of an envelope peeking out from under my door. I tried to grab it, but Alex reached it before me. I didn't even realize that she was avoiding helping me until much, much later.

She picked it up, and began to read:

"Dear Maggie,

Thank you so much for writing me back! I was almost positive you wouldn't.-

Wait. Hold the freaking phone. You wrote them back and didn't think to tell the person who was helping you figure out who it was?"

Hey, I already said I don't think straight around Alex.

"Oh-um-sorry. I forgot."

"You forgot," Alex mocked, "Whatever. Anyway,

Here is another hint: I'm kind of unique, some would say. I like two specific colors, and I wear them often. I loved your letter, please write back as soon as you can!


Your Secret Admirer"

"Wow" That was all I could say.

"Any ideas of who this might be?" Alex pressed.

I thought. I couldn't think of anyone currently...

"Hm, I don't know."

Alex looked slightly crestfallen. "You don't know anyone who wears mainly two colors?"

I shook my head, and for some reason she turned and walked away, calling over her shoulder, "Sleep on it, would ya?"

As she was walking, I got a good look at her pink-and-green outfit. Pink and green. Pink and green. Gods of Asgard I was an idiot!

"Hey, Alex, wait up!" I called right before she disappeared into her room.

She reopened the door and stepped out, "What? Did you figure out who it was?"

I didn't answer, I simply wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her.

After we pulled away, I glanced at her, only now realizing that I probably should have checked to make sure she was my soulmate before kissing her.

Good going, Magnus, now Alex hates yo-

I didn't get to finish my thought because Alex pulled me in and kissed me again.

"Hey Maggie," she said after we broke apart again.


"I'd like to use my free falafel date." she said with a smirk.

"But Alex, it's 2 am!"


I sighed, "Fine. Let's go, Secret Admirer."

"Oh shut up, Maggie," she said, standing taller to give me a peck on the lips.

It effectively shut me up.

heyyyy so im actually pretty proud of that one so yay! not much to say here except that I hope you all enjoyed and now more than ever I know I keep begging but if you have them I love suggestions. I already have a few ideas, but more always help :) thanks for reading!

y'alls not-so-favorite self deprecating author, signing off!


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