[tangled au]

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A/N THANK Y'ALL FOR 2K READS!!!!!!! anyway, yes, I do mean tangled as in the Disney movie. This is kind of a joke, but who knows, it might end up well. Enjoy!

Magnus PoV

"Magnus, Magnus, let down your hair!" the routine yelling snapped Magnus out of his daydream of the floating lights.

"Mother, I've said, I may have magical hair, but that doesn't mean it's abnormally long! Let me get the rope ladder!" he sighed to himself and went to retrieve the ladder from it's shelf. On his way, he passed his many paintings, and his chameleon, Jack, hopped onto his shoulder.

After he threw down the ladder for Mother Gothel to climb, and listened to her rant on about how amazing she was, he returned to his most recent artwork.

It had come to him in a dream, and for reasons he couldn't explain, it was a gradient of pink and green, with swirls of two shades of brown crisscrossing through the center to form a large 'A' on the wall.

Magnus's mind was jolted back to his mother's conversation when she said something that triggered a minuscule memory, buried deep in his memory, "Why did I have to steal- I mean have a boy who has to lower a rope ladder, " she whined, "A girl with abnormally long hair would be so much more convenient!"

"Mother, did you say steal?"

"No, of course not! Don't be stupid! Now, off to bed with you!"

"But mother, it's still bright outside-"

"All you do is complain, day after day! Listen to your mother for once! As you know, come on, say it with me."

"Mother knows best," Magnus replied in a tired, monotone voice.

"That's right! And mother says to go to bed."


After being sent to his room, Magnus lay awake for quite a while, thinking about many things. He thought about his conversation with his mother, but eventually his thoughts drifted to painting. It was the one thing that brought him an escape from his dull, repetitive life. With painting, he could create anything. Rolling hills to deep blue seas, to even heterochromatic letters. Anywhere but his tower home. He was almost always thinking about his paintings, when he wasn't painting, of course, but today he felt almost as strong a pull to his pink and green painting that he did to his many renditions of the floating lights. Eventually, he fell asleep thinking about beautiful pink and green lights so bright they brought spots into his vision.

When he woke up the next morning, Magnus found that Mother Gothel had left for the outside world fairly early, seeing the rope ladder dangling from the opening above the ledge. He didn't think to move it, seeing as no one ever came into the small grove where the tower was nestled. Magnus got out a frying pan and was about to crack some of the eggs that his mother had gotten at the market the previous day to make an omelette when he heard a voice.

The egg slipped from his grasp and landed with a loud splat! on the floor, but Magnus hardly noticed. He was inching forward, the frying pan clutched so tightly in his hand that his knuckles were turning white.

The intruder finished their climb up the rope ladder, and collapsed on the floor with a heavy sigh of relief, not even noticing that Magnus was there.

Magnus was fully prepared to knock the person, who appeared to be a girl, out with the frying pan, but something stopped him. The girl was dressed in all pink and green. She was wearing a simple shirt with mid-length pants, and battered riding boots, but they were all alternating pink and green. The shirt was a faded pink, tied with a braided pink and green cord at the waist, and the pants were what once was obviously a vibrant green. The boots were so beaten up that Magnus could barely tell what color they had been, but they appeared to have been a pale pink once upon a time.

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