[i suck at titles]

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A/N sooo this is the most thrown together piece of crap that ive probably ever written (except maybe the musicals argument) but I hope people still like it. um also this is slightly connected to the mistletoe chapter but only a little.

I know I said I would stop gushing about reads but.....1000 reads?!?!?!?! that. is. pure. amazhangness!!!!!!!!! okay ill stop now enjoy!

Alex (M) PoV

Alex was scared.

He was fucking scared.

He was scared of everything.

Okay, so not everything.

He was scared of commitment.

Specifically, commitment with Magnus.

Magnus was just so perfect.

Okay, there was another lie.

Magnus wasn't perfect, he just seemed that way to Alex.

All the little quirks that other people would find weird, Alex found endearing.

But, quirks or none, Magnus was the most accepting person that Alex had ever met.

He had that way of sensing what gender his boyfriend was that day without even a second thought. He had openly said he was confused when they first met, but tried his hardest to be accepting. And, boy did he succeed.

Alex was pondering all of this while wondering aimlessly around the hallways. For some reason he was on Floor 20 instead of Floor 19. The horn for dinner sounded, echoing with a loud, metallic twang around the small hallway, and Alex started to make his way to the elevator.

On the way there, something- no, someone- stopped him. Someone that he recognized.

Courtney. It was that bitch from the Christmas party. And she didn't look like she was going to let Alex pass with a friendly greeting.

"Courtney, you're blocking the elevator, or were you just to stupid to notice?" Alex was done with Courtney's bs. Magnus had been working with him on keeping his temper even, but Alex hated Courtney with a passion. She had called him an argr, which was a terrible insult.

"Oh," Courtney glanced at him in disdain, "well, actually I had noticed, argr. Where's your boyfriend?" There it was again: argr. Of course she wanted to know about Magnus.

Alex glared at Courtney, "Don't call me that. Why do you care about where Magnus is? He rejected you, remember."

Courtney sucked in her breath in surprise before returning to her smug composure, "He wasn't in his right mind then. He would be an idiot to choose you over me!"

"Courtney, I'm going to be late to dinner." Alex tried to push his way past Courtney, but she blocked his way and stepped on his foot with her own high-heeled one.

Dam high heels.

"Oh what's that? Is Alex Fierro afraid to stand up to me? Does she want to go running to her boyfriend?"

Courtney obviously didn't notice that she emphasized the 'she' in her sentence, but Alex definitely did.

"I'm a he today," Alex responded curtly, before turning on his heel and marching down the hallway.

He paused halfway to the stairs, which were opposite the hallway to where both the elevator and Courtney were.

He turned again and walked back towards Courtney, simultaneously pulling out his garrote as he did so.

"What do you want now, argr?" Courtney asked, picking at one of her nails.

"Oh, not much," Alex replied with a fake smile, "I just have a fun way to deal with people who block my way."

He pulled out his garrote and watched as Courtney's head fell to the floor and her body dissolved.

Right as Magnus appeared, yelling at the elevator as the doors dinged open.

"I hit the number 19! Not 20, you stupid machine!"

"Um, Maggie, is something wrong?" Alex queried, a smirk gracing his lips.

"Wha-oh, hey Alex. Wait, Alex? Where were you at dinner? I was looking for you."

He cared.

He had gone looking for Alex.

He glanced at the green watch he was wearing and noticed that in his time arguing with Courtney, he had completely missed dinner.

"Oops. I was....dealing with someone-um, I mean something."

"Alex. What did you do?" Magnus said with a sigh.

"Well that Courtney character came back and-"

Magnus's face immediately softened, and he cut his boyfriend off, saying, "What did she do this time?"

As soon as his face softened, it morphed into a scowl at what Alex told him.

"Nothing I couldn't handle, she called me an argr again and misgendered me, so I sliced off her head."

Magnus said nothing, only stepped forward and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend.

"I'm glad you're okay."

But he wasn't really okay.

He felt broken on the inside.

He had hoped that Valhalla would at least be a little bit better than the mortal world, but apparently not. People like Courtney just kept appearing in his life.

Magnus seemed to know that he was lying when all Alex did was nod to his boyfriend's comment, instead of the usual snarky retort.

"Hey, you will be okay. I'll be here until you do, and forever afterwards."

And Alex believed him.

hey look at me kinda getting back into writing longer stuff! I know I keep saying this, but yall should go check out my new story, I just want to see if people like the style of writing being more serious and touching on more serious issues. I liked this one better than I thought I would. thanks for reading, and thanks again for 1k reads!!! it means the world to me that people are enjoying these! ❤️

Y'alls not-so-favorite self deprecating author, signing off!


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