[new year's]

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A/N sooo I felt a little bad about not having as much fluff as normal in the last few chapters, so I decided to go with the classic new year's one shot. it'll probably be short but I dont know.

OH!!!! Huuuuuuge thank youuu to @spacenams for giving me a liST OF PROMPTS like life saverrrrrr now I have some ideasssss okay anyway


Magnus PoV

Magnus was nervous.

New Year's Eve was the next day, which meant that the single portion of Valhalla's residents were scrambling to find someone to kiss. That made up about seventy-five percent, while the other twenty-five already had their significant others and were laughing at their friends' misery.

Cough, Sam, Amir, Mallory, and Halfborn, cough.

Magnus, to his dismay was part of the majority. It wasn't that he had no one he wanted to go with to the annual Floor 19 party. It was quite the opposite, in fact.

Magnus wanted more than anything to be able to kiss Alex on New Year's, but whenever he was around her, he became a stuttering mess.

He wasn't even sure how she felt about him. Sure, she had kissed him twice, but those were probably purely platonic kisses.....right?

The rest of December 30 flew by, leaving Magnus to ponder possible ways to get Alex to go with him.

Hey Alex, you want to go to the New Year's party with me?

No, that was too casual, and there was no way he could manage to say that to Alex's face without messing up.

He didn't even attempt pick-up lines, because those were certain to be a train wreck.

Before Magnus knew it, it was the last dinner of 2019 (a/n im just going back in time okayyyy), and Magnus still hadn't thought up a good way to even talk to Alex alone. The amazing person in question had her heterochromatic eyes fixed on a blank wall, a distant look in them, with locks of green hair constantly falling in her face.

Suddenly, without a word, she pushed her chair back, stood up, and left the table. Magnus, being the curious person he is, almost immediately followed her.

He chose to ignore the knowing smirks his friends gave him as he passed.

It wasn't the time. Something could be wrong with Alex.

He decided to take the stairs for some reason, and by the time he got to Floor 19, Alex was standing there, a bored expression on her face.

"Alex is something-" he didn't get to finish his sentence though, because Alex stepped forward and kissed him.

He was so in shock that after they pulled away, he was surprised he could even form a sentence.

"I thought that was supposed to wait until midnight," was all he managed before mentally face-palming himself.

Seriously?! Alex kisses you and all you can manage is some smart ass response?

Alex simply rolled her beautiful eyes.

"Yeah, well I've never been too good at keeping to schedules," she said with a smirk.

He took that as an invitation, so he stepped forward and kissed her again.

It was amazing, like something out of a utopia, and it would have continued to be, if Mallory hadn't happened to walk up the stairs at that exact moment. With the whole crusade of Floor 19's residents directly behind her.

Snickers filled the near silence, and a few people called out "It took you guys long enough"'s and "Get a room"'s.

Alex didn't seem to mind. She just took his hand and shouted back at the group, "We'll see you guys at midnight!"

Variations of "I'm sure we will"s rang out, but this time, Magnus just ignored them. He was too happy to care.

~~~le time skip~~~

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, happy New Year!" the cheers echoed around the different rooms as Magnus pulled Alex close and kissed her once more in that day, and that year.

This time no one interrupted.

They were all a bit preoccupied.

And Magnus wasn't sure he had ever been happier.

so I dont like that a tonnn but it'll have to do...

Y'alls not-so-favorite self deprecating author, signing off!


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