[pottery not poetry]

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A/N heyyyy so im sorry for taking a longer break than usual but I was just feeling really uninspired and stressed for school so I didn't write anything. ive also gotten back into ASOUE (a series of unfortunate events), so if you haven't heard of it you should definitely read the books, watch the Netflix series (not the movie though), and read all the fanfic! okay enough of that, enjoy!

Alex (F) PoV

A single light in the eternal darkness

brightening everything with a single touch

No, no, no, that was awful! Alex had been attempting to write Magnus a nice poem for hours, but every time, she couldn't get it right. Pottery, yes. Poetry, apparently not.

She had good ideas, she just couldn't get her mind to form the words.

She had highly underestimated poets before now.

My life was like a row of dominoes

hit the wrong one,

and everything crumbles

She crumpled the paper and threw it onto the growing pile of paper balls.

She had also tried writing couplets, but those were far harder than they looked.

"Alex? You've been locked in your room all day. Is something wrong?" the sound of Magnus's voice snapped Alex out of her poetry-induced stupor.

"No, I'm fine! Just..um..struggling with this piece of....pottery," she lied, while hurriedly throwing some pottery on her wheel and trying to make it look like she'd been working on it.

"Okay, and happy early birthday! I'll give you your present tomorrow!"

Shit. She had completely forgotten about her own birthday.

Eh, it wasn't the first time someone had forgotten it.

She moved to her only non-pottery covered table and tried again to come up with a poem.

Correction: tried and failed.

At that exact moment, lightning struck outside, just as an idea planted itself in her mind like a flower about to bloom. She just needed to water it.

Alex walked back over to her pottery table and set to work on making a picture frame.

Yes, clay picture frames weren't the most practical, but it would have to do for what she was planning.

She was just finishing up the basic shape when someone knocked on her door.

"It's dinner, come on!" the rough Celtic accent of none other than Mallory Keen drifted through her door, and Alex sighed, standing up.

She gave herself a quick once-over in the mirror. Clay splattered all over her green-and-pink checkerboard t-shirt, pale rose jeans, and green converse. Nothing out of the ordinary. No one would suspect that she just spent five hours trying to write one poem.

Alex ate her dinner hurriedly, and then rushed back to her room to start the hard part of her gift. She took out some clay carving tools, and worked rapidly, seeing as she needed to get it in the kiln as soon as possible.

She was just finishing the last letter when Magnus knocked on her door. Alex put the picture frame on its tray and placed it in the kiln before recomposing herself and opening the previously knocked on door.

"I couldn't wait to give you your present tomorrow, sorry," he didn't sound very sorry.

"Whatever am I going to do with you, Maggie?" when he hesitated, Alex gestured for him to give her the present.

"It's not a ton, and there's probably tons of gifts you'll like better and-" Magnus's rambling was cut off by Alex talking.

"It's...beautiful. Thank you, Maggie." Alex stood taller and gave him a quick kiss before examining her present more carefully.

It was a beautiful new set of clay tools, each one in alternating pink and green. It looked like Magnus had painted them himself.

"Do you really like them?" why was he so nervous? She was just Alex.

"Of course."

~~~time skip provided to you by Kronos to the next morning~~~

~~~and PoV switch oops~~~

Magnus PoV

Magnus awoke to a sharp rapping sound on his door. He knew that sound. He had heard it so many times when Alex was struggling with her nightmares more. Two AM, three AM, four AM, whenever, Magnus had always been there to help Alex. He wondered why she was knocking now.

It was her birthday after all, she should be having fun.

He opened the door and found her holding something with a bow on it.

"What's this?" he asked, puzzled, it was her birthday.

"I made you something. It's what I was doing all day yesterday," she handed him the gift sheepishly. Very un-Alex like. She was never sheepish.

She handed him the gift, and his breath caught.

It was a picture frame.

With a picture of them on their first date.

And around it, carefully engraved was a poem.

My life was like a row of dominoes,

so close to crumbling.

But you came along,

like a light in the eternal darkness,

and suddenly,

nothing was wrong.

(a/n trashy poem I know dont judge)

"Do you like it?"

"Of course."

ta-da look who's back!!! okay not much to say here but I hope you enjoyed!

Y'alls not-so-favorite self deprecating author, signing off!


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