[secret admirer part 2]

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A/N okay so ill try to make this a/n pretty short because I just did a whole author's note chapter, and I swear ill try to stop gushing for the number of reads yall are giving me, but like almost 400!?!?!?! okay ill shut up now and get on with the story and I feel like im being annoying for constantly pointing out the reads so ill try to stop but im still in shock okay im rambling now enjoy!

It was probably nothing. The letter was addressed to me, so I opened it, and it read:

Dear Maggie,

I'm writing this letter to tell you that I'm a coward. I should just tell you this in person, but I'm afraid that you will think I'm (even more) crazy. You probably don't even feel the same way. I will keep writing these letters, no matter if you respond or not. I will try to leave hints so that if you want to find out who I am, you can. If you don't want to, that's fine too.


Your Secret Admirer

I set the letter down, puzzled. Who would want to be my secret admirer? I'm nothing special. I'm just plain old falafel loving Magnus Chase, and what's so impressive about that? Yeah, so maybe I need to work on my self confidence a little bit, (a/n same, Maggie, same)but no one would really want to write love letters to me. I shook the thought out of my head. It was probably just some prank that TJ or Mallory was playing on me. If it was them, they did a good job.

I stood up and walked out into the hallway and to Alex's room, thinking that maybe s/he (a/n, again he hasn't seen her/him yet today so he wouldn't know, but Alex is a she in this chapter) could help me figure out who my secret admirer was, or if it was a stupid prank.

I knocked on the door, and Alex answered, with an annoyed expression on her face. How I could tell she was a she that day, I don't know. She was wearing her typical diamond patterned pink and green sweater vest, pale green jeans, and rose high tops, all of which were splattered miscellaneously with wet clay.

I must have interrupted Alex in the middle of doing pottery. Oops. In a normal world, I might get yelled at, but with Alex, I was more likely to have a close up encounter with her garrote.

She looked like she was about to attack me with clay utensils, but saw the letter in my grasp, and visibly paled.

Hm. I wonder why...

"Maggie," she started, and something clicked into my brain, like a key in a lock. Only one problem: I couldn't find the door it was in. "Hi? Earth to Magnus?" I must have zoned off, because she was waving her hand in front of my face.

"Oh-what-hi Alex. I came to see if you knew anything about this letter," I paused to wave the letter, "I think it might be one of TJ or Mallory's pranks. After they met those Stoll brothers from Annabeth's camp, they won't give it up," I shook my head with distaste.

"Hand it over," Alex demanded. I was hesitant, but eventually I let her take it. "Hm," she said after she read it for what felt like the thousandth time, "I don't think this is a prank, Maggie. I also don't know who sent it. But I'm going to help you find them."

Alex was smiling evilly near the end of this, but I was too happy to care. Someone liked me. Someone cared about me. And Alex was going to help me to find that person.

"Thank you, Alex!"

"Hey, don't thank me just yet," I looked at her, puzzled, "Everything comes with a price, Maggie."

And then I understood the evil smile.

okayy so I think that one was better than the last part and I also tried to make it a little longer (maybe so I dont have to update as soon.......)

I hope you guys liked this and are fine with this being a longer one shot than normal

oh oblivious Maggie

and just a warning: I have a few ideas for after I finish this one shot thing, but all of them are soulmate au's because that's what I've been reading more, so if you don't want those, please give me suggestions!

also, if I were to make a soulmates au for the seven plus nico, Reyna etc would yall read it? thats what ive been mainly reading, and I was thinking about writing one!

okay this a/n is way to long

y'alls not-so-favorite self deprecating author, signing off!


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