[adrien, magnus, and confessions]

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A/N I don't own any of these characters (though I took some creative liberties on Adrien)  

life has been kinda stressful lately, so I decided to make a oneshot book to cheer myself (and hopefully some other people) up! 

 oh and credits to @cherrypoohbear for writing two amazing fierrochase books and giving me the Inspo!

***this touches on suicide (Adrien)***** just a warning

Alex Pov (female in this story)

I was sobbing uncontrollably and I didn't know why. Well, that was a lie. I knew exactly why, I just wasn't ready to admit it. Usually, I would cry over Adrien. The first person I thought I loved, the first person I thought understood me for me. Of course, now I had a whole floor of people who understood me, especially Magnus, as he had proclaimed in front of: all my friends, an army of giants and undead, and my mother, Loki. I still wasn't positive what to think of Magnus. Around our friends, I acted with my typical snark and sarcasm, but they were dying to get us together for some reason. They didn't dare say it to my face though, because, let's just say I'm good with a garrote. I mean, yes, we'd kissed twice, and both of those times I had kissed him, but that wasn't important. Of course, I wanted to run into his arms and proclaim that we were going to be as happy as Sam and Amir (well, sometimes), but I knew I couldn't. Not with what I'd been through with Adrien. Everything in my life circles back to Adrien.

 (a/n i'm taking creative liberties with Adrien, none of this is canon except for the fact that Alex knew an Adrien, and he took his own life)

 I had met Adrien when I was on the streets, maybe two years before I showed up at Valhalla. We had become close, he had become the only person on the streets I trusted. Of course, he had wanted to become more than friends, thinking that people might be nicer to a couple (most flawed logic i've probably ever heard), and I fell for it. Well, not for the idea, more for Adrien. I still hadn't told him my secret. I just avoided him on days I was male, so he only saw me as a girl. It wasn't that I specifically didn't trust him, it was that I didn't trust anyone. I had become homeless because of who I was, and I didn't want my only friend to abandon me because of it. Even if it meant hiding who I was. Now I don't care what others think. I tell everyone my pronouns, and if they don't like it they can leave. But I was different back then. Now, as I sat hunched over under my tree in my atrium, I couldn't make myself feel happy like I normally could. Normally, as soon as Adrien appeared in my thoughts, I would chase him out with a string of Mallory, Halfborn, TJ, Sam, and Magnus memories. Mostly Magnus. But not this time. The thought refused to leave my mind. So I sunk into the memories. Into the good and the bad. I thought about Adrien and I curling close together in our shared sleeping bag, under a bridge that - and I didn't know it at the time - was only a mile from the bridge Magnus was sheltering under, I decided to tell him. I don't know what compelled me to, I just know it escaped my lips before I could think about it. Adrien looked horrified, which I didn't understand. He knew tons of homeless kids were LGBTQ+, but I guess he had just assumed I was "normal". He ran away, and I let him. That was the biggest mistake I've ever made. He ran away and didn't come back. I kind of shrugged it off at the time, thinking that if he didn't accept me, he could leave. I didn't need him in my life. I knew that was a lie. I knew that he was my only friend, and I had just scared him away. I paused, realizing I had been pacing, and talking out loud, so I went to my door and slid down against it, head in my hands. I heard shuffling on the other side, so I opened the door and saw Magnus sitting up against the wall.

"What the hel are you doing?!" I screamed. I knew Magnus didn't deserve this, that Magnus deserved the world, but at that moment I was more scared that he had heard me talking about Adrien.

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