[soulmates au]

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A/N Okayyyyy so! Again I got this idea from the wonderful (even though I have never had so much as one conversation with them)

@cherrypoohbear ! I read about this in one of their Fierrochase books and I thought it was an amazing idea!

Prompt: in this AU, soulmates are connected by a red string that starts out invisible, but as they slowly grow closer to their soulmate, it becomes darker and darker until it is a bright red. People who already have their soulmates (Ex: Blitz and Hearth) can see the strings for everyone, so Blitz knows Magnus's and won't tell him. People who don't have their soulmate can only see full soulmate's strings. That was kinda long


Magnus PoV

Magnus walked along the hallway of Floor 19, and tried to stop thinking about who his soulmate was. Blitz and Hearth knew, but they just wouldn't tell him.

He thought back, remembering when some of his friends had seen their strings turn red. Samirah and Amir's hadn't changed yet, because they weren't allowed to touch each other until they were married, but everyone was sure they were going to have their strings turn red. Magnus just wished he knew his, but it was custom that you didn't know who your soulmate was until you fell for them.

Mallory and Halfborn's had changed, too, just a month previous. They had been bickering about something, when, just as Mallory was reaching up to either slap him or kiss him (it was hard to tell with those two), their faces turned bright red to match the new color of their string. Mallory had apparently decided on kissing him, and there were cheers from their friends. Magnus was happy for them, of course, but he still wished he could find his soulmate already.

At least he wasn't completely alone. TJ's string used to be just about as transparent as Magnus's, but recently it had become a shade of dark pink because of some secret person that Magnus was not told about.

Then there was Alex Fierro.

Alex was definitely special, but he (he was a he on this particular day) also had no sign of a soulmate. They would hang out some, but Magnus always somehow made it awkward. He suspected it was because of a slight crush that he had developed on Alex over the years (people were allowed to crush on people who weren't their soulmate, it just usually didn't go anywhere).

He wanted Alex to find his soulmate so badly. Alex deserved happiness. Alex deserved everything. Snap out of it, Magnus, he told himself. He needed to get over this crush. It wasn't like Alex Fierro was his soulmate, and even if he was, Magnus wasn't sure how Alex would respond to knowing that Magnus was his soulmate.

He heard the sound of footsteps and glanced up, seeing Hearthstone walk into the room.

I'm assuming you didn't come to tell me who my soulmate was? he signed sarcastically. Hearth shook his head and smirked, which for Hearth standards was a big smile. Then what's up? Magnus asked.

Blitzen and I were wondering if you were planning on stopping by the Chase Space tomorrow. If you do come, you should bring Alex, he is good with the younger kids. That was a slightly alien thought for Magnus. Alex didn't seem like the type who would be good with kids, but Alex was always full of surprises.

Magnus decided to go talk to Alex. He signed his goodbye to Hearth and then walked over and knocked on Alex's door. When he opened it, Magnus had to stop himself from gasping. It wasn't that Alex was dressed much different than usual, green-and-pink diamond pattern sweater vest, rose jeans, and pale green Vans, but for some reason, Magnus felt like all he wanted to do was wrap his arms around Alex and hug him. There were tears on Alex's cheeks. He had never seen Alex cry before, and he wasn't sure anyone at Valhalla ever had.

Without speaking, he leaned forward and pulled him into a tight hug. Alex pulled away almost instantly, which wouldn't have been strange for him if he wasn't staring in shock at the pink thread that now connected their hands. Under normal circumstances, Magnus would've been overjoyed to have finally found his soulmate, but this was not normal circumstances. His soulmate was Alex Fierro. He couldn't believe it.

Alex regained his usual self-confident posture, and they both stood there in silence for a minute, Magnus still trying to wrap his head around what had just happened, and Alex standing with his brow furrowed and his green locks threatening to fall back from where they were tucked behind his ears.

Finally, Alex seemed to decide on something. He reached up and wrapped his arms around Magnus's neck and pulled him in for a kiss, and Magnus felt like he was melting into the carpet. He moved his hands to Alex's waist, and after they pulled away, both of them kind of stood there, in blissful silence.

Alex's green locks framed his face, and his heterochromatic eyes seemed to see right into Magnus's soul. They both looked down at the string connecting them, and weren't surprised that the string had turned a deep shade of red. They stood there for a while longer, before Alex told him that he needed to get back to his pottery. After he had left, Magnus turned around to see Hearth leaning against the room across the hallway's doorway, the small smirk still on his face.

We knew who it was all along, Blitz and I. When Samirah, Mallory, and Halfborn found out, they wanted to tell you both, but couldn't. Samirah could barely contain her excitement. I am so glad you've found your soulmate. Hearth signed.

Thanks, Hearth. Magnus signed and watched his friend walk away. Then he turned around to see all of his friends staring at him expectantly, and watched their gazes follow the red string under Alex's door. TJ was the only one to look surprised, while the others exchanged knowing smirks.

"Yeah, yeah, guys, so we've found our soulmates and they happen to be each other. What's the big deal?" Alex had appeared and was trying to seem nonchalant, but his eyes were shining, and he reached to lace his hand through Magnus's.

He never even found out why Alex had been crying.

okay I know this wasn't very good and I don't like the ending but I hope you guys enjoyed! It was also WAY longer than I intended for it to be. I meant for it to be around 500 words, but it ended up at 1134. I've seen other people do this so I decided to start:

your favorite self-deprecating author signing off!


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