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Things you should know before starting this story:

Your name: (Y/N) (L/N)
Your age: 20 years old

(A/N: I will make Tintin 21 years old, just to make things a little easier. His real age isn't really know, some say he is 15 while others say he is between 16 and 18. So just roll with it.)

Haircolor: (H/C)
Hairlength: (H/L)
Eyecolor: (E/C)
Favorite color: (F/C)

Your outfit:

Your outfit:

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Your coat:

(A/N: I just kept it simple

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(A/N: I just kept it simple. You can change the blouse and coat to the colours you prefer if you don't like it. The other colours and clothing items will remain the same in the story.)

Your pets name: (P/N)

Your pet is a Spix's Macaw

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Your pet is a Spix's Macaw. You met when you were on one of your adventures. She was injured, and was much smaller than a Spix's Macaw should be, even if she was a female. None the less, you helped her recover. But when you had to leave to return to Belgium she wouldn't leave your side, so you took her with you. She is quite smart and very loyal, yet a little stubborn at times. Reminding you of a little diva...


Your father used to be in the army, but he had to leave for war. Sadly, he didn't survive, which took a turn for the worse on you mother. She became very sick and depressed over her husbands death, not able to process his death very well. After that, you had to grow up faster. Your mom needed you, even if she didn't admit it. She still tried to be there for you the best she could.
A few years later she lost the battle against her ilness and passed away. It was one of, if not the, darkest and loneliest time in your life. And although times were tough on you, you knew she was in a better place with you father. You had just finished your studies at that time.

Although you sold your family home since it was a painful experience to live in the home, not to mention that it was too expensive to keep in a decent state on your own.
Everything and everywhere you looked, reminded you of what you had lost. You found an apartment, taking the necessary objects and furniture from your old home with you.

Even though your first couple of months were very difficult, you managed. Your job as author/journalist earned a living and kept you occupied. It gave you the opportunity to solve mysteries and discover the worlds secrets. Along with (P/N), who you considered our family as time went by.

It wasn't always the safest kind of job but you handled it quite nicely. Along with all the knowledge our father had taught you, such as how to defend yourself with fighting technics as well as with weapons. Dispite the constant complains you're mother had about it all. She taught you how to take care of yourself: cooking, cleaning, medicine and treating injuries ans so on.

To this day, you still own your father's old handgun.

The Adventures of Tintin - The Secret of the Unicorn (Tintin x reader)Where stories live. Discover now