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The snow outside was deep and the horses really enjoy playing in the snow. Last night my mum told me that Joey, Jake and Wally were mine permanently. I got really excited by this and ordered them new tack, rug, brushes ... everything!! I found out freedom is prego again so she is being sent home later on. I think I'm getting her back again with her foal when it is fully trained I'm planning on letting freedom stay with theses foals during the training and for her to get a bit if training herself and its 3 weeks until the pups go. :( ): oh and also I'm getting a pet cat or two today :))))) anyway ....

I groom freedom slowly and carefully before picking out her feet and bandaging her legs and tail. I braid her mane I put her rug on and her fluffy head collar. I lead her out to the trailer and stroke down her withers before giving her a kiss on the nose and closing up the trailer. I return back to the stable yard and get joey out. I slip on his bridle and lead him to the arena. I've got a lesson to teach in 10 and I'm going to use joey for some help. The dogs have already been walked and are back with their noisy pups. They had hold of my socks the other day. The first student arrives and I mount up onto joey bareback. I decided that I would do a fun lesson today so we are going bareback since its 8 days till x mas!! And we break up tomorrow. Obviously I can't go home because there was a flood so I'm staying here for the holidays but I have amazing news!! Holly is coming to the academy!! Apple is now retired so she got another horse called Blitz he's adorable but really feisty so Holly's parents decided to send her here. She's not rich so she's sharing with some other girls but I'm betting she'll be round mine all the time.

I ask all the students to take the saddle off their ponies and help them on one by one. Some of them look comfortable whilst others look uncomfortable I get them to stretch and tell them to just walk and trot around for a while so they get used to it. By the end they all look good and seem to enjoy it. I ask them all to turn in except for Maisie who is cantering first. Marbles canters when asked and they zoom around the arena. The others have a go before I ask if they want to either jump bareback or have a race. They say that they want to jump so I tell them that I'm going to show them first how to do it then they can have a go. I mount up onto joey and canter him towards the jump. He leaves the ground and I fold up. We fly over the jump and land perfectly on the other side. I get the girls to jump the jumps before dismissing them and telling them to go to their next lesson. I decide to let my horses have a bit of free jumping time and I grab them all out and put them into the arena. I set the jumps up to 1.5m ish and retreat out of the arena to the viewing gallery. I watch the elegant creatures gallop around making perfect arches over the jumps. A boy walks an appaloosa mare over to the arena then goes to turn away when he sees my horses.
"What were you planning on doing?" I ask him. He turns startled before saying

"I was planning on... well... free jumping her but it seems other people were planning on doing it too."

"Oh these are all mine you can free jump her too if you want, my horses won't bother her they don't mind others" I say

"erm thanks how high are the jumps? " he asks

"About 1.50 m you can edit them to anything under 2.2m but above 0.5 " I tell him

"Thanks I'm gonna put up a variety ranging from 1m to 2m so would you mind tying up your horses so they don't try to jump me." He says. I nod and call my horses over. I slip a lead rope onto each of the horse's halters and wait. When the jumps are up I release the horses and retreat to the viewing gallery. The boy does the same and I see my horses have a quick look at his horse before continuing to jump around. The boy's horse looks a bit confused and seemed to just go for the smaller jumps. I call my horses over to the fence and open it. They trot out and wait for me. I jump onto Apollo's back and we go back to the stables as a massive herd. I put them all away with extra hay and go out into the parking lot. I find my car, stick the horse trailer on the back and get in. time to get an animal or two :) I slip my riding hat off my head and stick it on my back seat. I drive into the town and to the adoption centre, time to get my new pets:) I pop out of the car and lock it before walking into the centre. I walk over to the reception desk and ask where the cats are. She leads me to a section and I see the cute cats meowing at me to be the one I chose. I don't go for appearance; I like to help the older ones who probably won't get picked. A cat in section 1 is laid down not trying to be picked and I ask if I am allowed to go into the pen. They tell me to let myself in to any of them to look at the cats. I jump in and go over to the jump. I stroke along its back waking it up and its blue eyes look at me. I pick her up and realise immediately that I want her. I call over the woman and she takes the cat away to get all the forms and put her into a basket for the ride home. Over the holidays im getting another floor put into my apartment for the pets. I'm having various rooms put in as well as a spare bedroom for holly. I go into another couple of sections before the woman comes back with the cat. I see the cat meow at another cat in a different section so I walk over to the cat. The cat was the same breed and a year older than my new cat and it seems to be related to mine. I pick him up and ask for him too. The woman runs off with the cat and she asks if I want a cart so the animal cages will be pushed around on so I don't have to carry them. I nod and ask if she can also get me everything I will need to care for the cats. Once the woman is back we make our way to the rabbit section, I'm planning on getting a few different animals today maybe a total of 10 pets today so 5 breed ish. I find an adorable old rabbit and decide to take him aswell as another old female rabbit. I then go to the bird section and get two parrots. I then go to the dog section and get two springer spaniels and then finally I go to the horse section and get two thoroughbreds. I load the horses in and put the other animals in one of the spare stables. I pay for everything and go to pet's mart and grab everything I will need for all of the animals. When I get out I see some small girl looking at one of the horses in my trailer in aww . I stick my shopping in the car before making my way around to the back of the trailer. The small girls see me and go to walk away.

"It's alright do you like the horsie ?" I ask them. They turn back to me and they nod.

"Where are your parents?" I ask

"They are in the car they told us we could come see the pretty horsies" one says

"Okay then why don't you go get your parents and then maybe you could come see the pretty horses being ridden! Or even if you're lucky you can ride a pretty horsie?" I say. They run off to the car and drag their parents over to me.

"Hi I'm Skylar, your girlies seem to like my new horse and well I thought maybe they might want to come see them being ridden and I have a little pony called marbles that they could maybe ride. I can take them for the day if you like, or you could bring them down, or you don't have to let them come at all?" I ask

"I think I can allow them to go with you but I need a number and address to call?" the mum says

"Okay thank you, my number is ########### and I live at the horse academy down the road? Apartment 243 but we will be at the stables the majority of it." I say. The mum nods ask me to put my number into her phone and she leaves. I make space in my car and take the girls into it. I strap them in before driving carefully back to the academy. I ask the girls if they want to lead the horsies and when they say yes I grab the horses lead ropes and teach the girls how to lead properly. I take them to the stable yard and ask them to put them in the stable. I grab all the other animals from the trailer and the girls help me put them in my house. I let the dogs out and the cats. Before putting all the other animals in their designated spaces. I then dig out some of my old riding clothes and tell the girls to get into them. Once they are ready I ask what sized shoes and get them some riding boots. I then fit them some helmets and take them to the arena. I get marbles out fully tacked and borrow a pony from my auntie's yard. I get the girls onto the ponies and ask if they have ever ridden before. They tell me they have and that their aunty owns a ranch and they go ride often.

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