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******************************************Term two******************************************

The small girl bounces over to me

"Aunt Sky!!!!!!" she yells.

"Hey Maisie do you want your present then?" I ask

"Yes!!" she yells

"Well then come with me" I lead her to the stables and towards marbles stable. Inside Sam was stood holding marbles for his little girl. She squeals when she sees the pony and runs over to hug him. Sam tells her that he's all for her and that she's going to be staying here for a while and she's going to get to ride every day. Apparently since I've done all of the things we were going to learn this term I'm in charge of giving Maisie lessons as well as another couple of spoilt 6 year olds. So I'm gonna have to deal with Maisie a lot. Maisie runs up to me and grabs hold of my hand.

"Can I ride him, can I can I?" she asks

"Well if you can tack him up between you are your dad sure I'll watch you ride" I say.

Sam smiles and grabs the tack from the door, I pop over to Apollo's stable and grab out his grooming kit. Ill groom marbles after he's ridden. I return back to see marble tacked up....Terribly. I laugh take his tack off and do it for them. I lead the small pony into the arena and Maisie bounces behind us. I help her onto marbles back and take them into the centre I do her stirrups before asking her to warm marbles up. I set up a few small cross poles and uprights. I ask her to trot marbles on and do a 20 meter circle. I make her do it a couple of times before asking her to go large. I them ask her to canter in the closest corner she does as I say and marbles reacts well. I make her do a couple of laps before asking her to halt at h. she does as I say and I tell her I want her to jump the small purple, pink and white x pole. She gets marbles into a great canter and heads towards the jump. She folds up into jumping position and marbles jumps over perfectly. I can see these two eventing in future. I ask her to jump it again and then notice someone at the gate. I jog over and see a younger girl with a girl the same age as Maisie on a palomino pony.

"Hey, erm do you mind if we use the arena too. We could split the arena in half. Or we could just avoid each other." The older of the girls ask.

"Yeh sure Maisie is jumping so just don't get in her way cause it's a new pony and the bond isn't all there yet" I tell her. She nods opens the gate and leads the small pony in. when the two 6 year olds see each other Maisie canters marbles over and halts before flying off whilst the other girl flies off the pony and the two start hugging and squealing at each other. I grab hold off marbles and the two six year olds stop.

"Aunty sky can I go back to the flat now. Me and may want some girl time!!" I nod and tell her to go find her dad and get him to take her. May also gets to go back but is allowed to go with just Maisie.

"erm not to be rude but would you mind helping me jump this pony? " the other girl asks " I'm Lucy." She says

"I'll help you but I need to groom and untack marbles warm him up and I'll be back in about 10, I'm sky." I say. She nods and I leave I sort marbles out and put him in the field before returning back to the arena. I see the pony jumping perfectly fine and jumping about 1 meter high. I enter the arena and the girl comes over on the pony

"I need to get her to be able to jump 1.1m for a comp so will you help me." She asks. We discuss how before we set to work. Amazingly after 30 minutes the pony can jump 1.1m high. I tell the girl that I need to go and put my horses out. So I leave and get them out. I groom them put their field wear out and see that outside is deep in snow I put them in the field and see them messing around and rolling in the snow. I started riding freedoms foals and their father so I now have them to care for two the foals are still mischievous.

I pop over to my apartment and get my dogs before going over to Maisie's room. When I arrive she sees my dogs and rush over to stroke them. Oh truffles got prego so the puppies should arrive really soon eek!! The dogs love the attention for a while then I decide it's time for a trip to the vets, just to check up on the pups. I say that I have to go and put the dogs in to the car and hop in the front. I start the car and drive to the vets. Upon arriving I realise truffles is going into labour. I rush in and tell the receptionist the problem. She sends me into the vet's room and I see that bailey is following me closely. The vet puts truffle on the bed and he notices bailey.

"Ahh I see the father is here. This is great as the mother will feel more at ease, but will you please restrain him to some extent so he doesn't hurt anyone because of anger." He says I tie him up and stroke him until he falls to sleep. I see the first pup pop out and I smile aww cute puppies to fill my house :) (: I see more pop out and see about 10 finally come out before truffle stops and the labour is done. Truffle recuperates and sees her puppies she smiles and the doctor gets me a basket for the puppies. I carry them out and get the two dogs to follow me. We make our way home and I put the puppies into the living room. The two older dogs stay in there and I make my way to the dog room. I walked over to the bedding area and set the two dog beds up properly. I then put a new bed in the center that is bigger than the two others so truffle can lay in and so can the puppies. I then make it nice and soft for the babies. I go into the living room to get them and put them into their bed carefully Truffle takes her place and I leave them with the door open. So the dogs can go in and out without making a noise. I set off to my room and strip off I have a shower and then dry myself off before slipping my pj's on and slipping into an amazing sleep.

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