chapter 4 ~ Laura's Visit

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*Saturday morning*

Letting the dogs out of the front door I immediately regret my option to not put their leads on first. Laura is coming down later ( about 1 pm ) so I need to get sorted for then . I yell for them to come back and they bounce over. I hook Snow Queens' pink lead with white paw prints on to her matching collar that is positioned around her neck. I then hook Blake's blue lead with white paw prints onto his matching collar that is positioned around his neck. There's a communal dog park a short way away so I  decided on going there since it's easier than taking them for a long walk through the country. I put the leads in my hand and begin jogging; I might as well get some exercise too. Arriving at the dog park shortly after, I let the dogs off their leads. I sit down on a bench close to the entrance to the park and watch as they run about happily. After about an hour I decide to play with them. Calling them over, I pull out the ball from my pocket and throw it as far as I can. The two dogs run after it neck to neck trying to get the ball first. I see SnowQueen grab it first and rush back towards me happily blake millimetres behind. They arrive back and I give both of them a treat before throwing the ball again. This time Blake gets it first and comes back. I take the ball off them and put their leads back on. I jog back to the riding school with my dogs in tow. And realise I only have an hour till holly comes. I rush into the stable yard after tying the dogs up outside. I bring my horses in and am relieved to see that they are still cleanish and I don't have to bathe them. I groom them and pick their feet out before putting them in their stables and putting their entire field tack away (the stuff they were wearing outside.) realising that Laura and Danny will be here soon I get Apollo out. I tack him up and tie him outside of his stable ready to go. I put the dogs away in my apartment before coming back to braid Apollo's mane and putting a competition plait in his tail. I see Laura's trailer pull into the parking lot and rush out to go see her. After a quick hug she gets Danny out and ties him up next to Apollo. Apollo being 18hh is massive compared to Danny who is only 14.2 hh. Laura gets Danny ready and puts Danny's travel wear in my tack room. We mount up and Laura asks if we can just ride in the arena because Danny is behaving a bit weirdly, he's only 4 so he is new to the whole riding and traveling thing. I told her that it was fine and that it was probably best because Apollo needs some more schooling anyway. We trot in to see a stunning 16 hh crème arb being ridden by a bratty blonde bimbo. There's always one. The horse is trying hard but she doesn't seem to notice and tries to make the horse jump higher. Me and Laura look at each other and decide what we want to do Laura smirks at me but then screams and starts yelling that you would say to a person if they were out of control. I drop my reins and scream as if I didn't do it purposely. I discretely kick Apollo into gallop and steer him into a jump. I rise up into jumping position as he flies over and pretend that I nearly fell. I continue to pretend like he's misbehaving until the snotty bitch dismounts and takes the horse into the centre. He slows down when I ask and drops his head and i roll down his neck. The snotty blonde comes over

"err you obviously can't control your own horse . let me have a go on that thing I bet he'll love me. My horse is perfect she won't do anything maybe you would be able to control her." She sneers as she storms away from her own horse and snatches Apollo's reigns from my grip she mounts up onto Apollo and his ears go back. I mount up onto her horse and stroke its neck. I see the snotty blonde trying to kick Apollo on but he stays put. I kick the arb on into a canter and give her a bit of reign until she feels comfy. I steer her towards the jump the blonde was trying to get her to jump and allow her to go at her own speed towards it only kicking on to reassure her. I nudge her to go faster and count in my head 3...2...1... Jump I raise up into jumping position and the horse picks her legs up. We clear the jump and she lands perfectly. I pat her neck and allow her to trot around and stretch her neck down this is probably the best ride she's ever had. I whistle lowly and I see Apollo finally obeying to the blondes command, she asks him to canter and he goes into gallop. Even with her pulling at the reigns and screeching he continues to gallop and runs straight towards a 2 meter jump. he has never jumped that high before I hope he makes it he lifts up from the ground and leaps over the jump he lands safely but the blonde is shaken I ask Apollo to come over and the blonde holds on as tight as she can . I dismount off the arb and help the blonde off Apollo.

"Maybe you should try learning to control a horse before you try to say that I'm a bad rider. Me and Apollo have a close bond everything he did whilst I was riding him was my doing he is a perfect horse. So is yours but you need to build a bond with her before you try and make her work so hard. You need to realise that she is her own person and cannot do what you want all the time, be kind to her and maybe one day she can be like Apollo." I say. The blonde nods and grabs the arbs reigns before running off nearly crying. I mount back onto Apollo and stroke his neck thanking him for today. Me and Laura have a jumping competition before she declares she needs to get Danny ready to go home. We chat whilst she gets Danny ready to go home and as I groom Apollo. We chill in my apartment until her mum comes with the trailer to take them home .


THE BOOK IS ENDING HERE FOR A LONNNNNNGGGGG TIME , I simply do not have the time to edit this as I am working on 10 books that all linked and it's confusing skipping from this to the other books.....



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