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The week went by quite quickly and it was Saturday already. I had already schooled each of my horses for 10 minutes each if you add that together that's 2 hours of work for me! Rose asked me to go down to the other yard since Blake is in a lesson and she needs me to lead him. (Not a lesson with a rider they are just teaching him things. I plod down to the arena and see Blake having a hissy fit trying to get away. As soon as he sees me he rears up and gallops towards me hiding behind me. I laugh and take his lead rope and walk him back to the centre. They ask me to lunge him for a while to calm him so I take the lunge line off them and lunge him in the middle of the arena. To anyone if they walked in they would think he was a calm sensible horse but as soon as I walk away he's unpredictable. Apparently the best they have done is got someone on his back but they were off immediately. The instructor guy starts asking me to do things with him and I comply. Then he tells me to put Blake away and to enjoy my Saturday. But I have tack cleaning, mucking out, hoof oiling and horse cleaning to do before I even get in to my apartment. I arrive back in the stable yard and see everyone's mucking out so I chose tack cleaning first. I send my horses out into the field without any of their stuff on since I'm cleaning it and put each horses tack in their stable on wooden horses and hooks inside the stable. I get my buckets of water and my sponges as well as some saddle soap. I start with the saddles and then the bridles then I clean all the other pieces of tack I had. That took me two hours and it was about 11. I decide then to muck out it only took me an hour to do all of them since I was only lightly cleaning, cleaned the water trough, filled the horse nets and adding loads more straw to the stable. I then bring the horses in and tie them up outside of their stalls. Taking them one by one I take them into the cleaning stall and clean them off making sure they almost shined then I oiled their hooves and did their tail and mane. Finally I put a cooling blanket on them and tied them outside to dry them off. Once they are dry I put them away in their stall and put their normal rugs on. I bandage up their tails and legs and put plaits in their manes. I go out to the field and see it's a mess. I grab a pitch fork and a wheelbarrow. I have a field of my own so all the mess is mine. I check for dangerous plants but find none. So I set to work pick up the poop. Once the field is immaculate i go back to my apartment and change into some joggers and a Hogwarts top. As soon as I open my bedroom door two dogs leap on me. I go into the dog room and put a couple of bags of kibble in the machine that puts so much out a day and grab the leads. I walk the dogs into my horse field and decide to just let them run in there for a while. I then decide to see how high they can jump and go to my trailer. I get two sets of wings and 4 poles I place them into a wheelbarrow and take them to the field. I set up a small jump about 10 cm off the ground and make them jump it. I keep putting it up and am at about 50 cm I decide that it is enough I put the jump up to 1.45 m and put another jump up somewhere else in the field about 1.85m high. I take the dogs back to the apartment and bring the horses out into the field after taking their bandages off their legs and tail. I know the horses won't jump the jumps if they know they can't. The horses seem alert when they see the jumps so I just release them. The horses act all happy and prance around. Apollo is the first to jump the jump and jasmine follows soon after the horses take it in turn to just and mess around. I decide to get some more fences out so I get them from my trailer and set them up. The horses quickly start using them to and I pull my phone out and take a snap and upload it onto twitter

@skylar_evans: Horses are free jumping in the field #lovethem


I get reply's favourites and retweets immediately. I reply to a few before taking the jumps down and putting the wings and poles to the side except for 2 poles and 4 wings I put a small upright up and a stride ish behind I put up another so it is a bounce. The horses just have fun jumping it for a while then I move one of the jumps so it isn't a bounce but it's still up. I walk out of the field and just clean up outside of my stables and put the tack up neatly making sure I look organised. I return back to my apartment and drop down onto my couch. I walk over to the aquarium wall and see the fish swimming round happily I drop some fish food into the feeding hole and go and put some in the one in the coffee table go into the dogs room and grab 2 bones from the highest treat shelf then brought them into the front room. I give each dog one then lay down on the couch and start watching wild child on Netflix on the TV.


got bored at the end so it isnt long at all but hoped you liked it.

think i might be at school tomorrow

-jess xx

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