UnEDITED Part 10

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The puppies have begun to walk around and are becoming more of a nuisance they are leaving in 4 weeks and my mums going to send them to obedience school until they are 2 years old then I will finally get them back. Maisie is settling in well and has finally learned how to tack up properly. I've been working with the foals and now they have names, Joey and Jake. They are getting massive and can jump 1.2 m high and are working on dressage at the moment. My others are currently on rest and have the month off they will be back into work on the 1st of December.

I've been giving lessons to the 6 year olds and they are slowly getting better and better. They are jumping about 40 cm high now and have only had one or two falls per person. It's all well, talking about them I have a lesson in 10 so I make my way down to the arena the girls wait patiently outside with their ponies and I tell them to go in. I help each one up onto their pony's backs then ask them to go large. They walk around and I ask them to start trotting around and they do so perfectly. I then ask them all to turn in and put their stirrups up to jumping height. I put up the jump to about 30 cm high and ask Maisie to go first. Marbles has made loads of progress and he and Maisie have bonded loads. Marbles starts cantering at Maisie's aid. Then disaster strikes and marbles trips Maisie shoots forward and off his back. I run over to Maisie and check she's okay. Meanwhile marbles is afraid and running away. I tell the class to go to their next lesson now and ill sort the pony and Maisie out. I put Maisie onto my hip and go over to marbles his ears flick back but then he sees Maisie and puts his head down feeling sorry. Maisie wriggles out of my grip and goes over and hugs marbles. I take them back to the yard and put marbles away. I take Maisie to the nurse and leave her there. I come back and check marbles for injuries, finding none I un-tack her and groom her before putting her rug on her and just leaving her in her stable. I decide to go for a ride and to do that I need a horse. Since it's the 1st in two days I decided that I might as well just bring them back in now. I bring the snow covered horses in and they seem to be full of energy. I put them away into their stalls, groom them and put a head collar on each. I open each stable door and instruct them to follow me. If anyone would have seen that they would be amazed. I take the horses into the arena and close the door. Since the horses have been on rest for no reason they don't need to be strengthened just calmed down ... a lot! I let the horses gallop around, jump the jumps that were out, anything to calm them down a bit. I call Apollo over and grab a lunge line I take him to the corner and lunge him. I do the same with the other horses and see that they are calmer. I chose Olaf to ride and put the others away in their stables. I mount up onto Olaf tackless and take him to the other yard where my aunt is. I go over to the arena and put Olaf close to the arena gate. I see my aunty trying to explain what she wants the class to do. She sees me and calls me to come in.

"Sky would you kindly show the class how to jump tackless. I'll explain you just jump" I nod and get Olaf into a swift smooth canter and head towards the first jump. My aunty talks about what I'm doing whilst I do it. Upon reaching the other side and slowing down I notice the class in utter aw. My aunty thanks me and asks if I want to stay in the lesson for the rest. I nod and join the group. One of the fakes 'accidently' rode their horse into Olaf. Olaf just side stepped away and flicked his tail at the horse. The other students all take of their horses tack and begin struggling to keep their horses still. One of the bitches says

"How can sky do this? I bet the horse is trained intensely and is scolded hard when it goes wrong."

"Well I bet that sky could do it on any horse even Blake!!" my aunty reply's. The class gasps.

"Go on then I dare sky to jump tackless on Blake!!" The bitch says and all the other students agree. My aunt looks at me and I nod. I walk Olaf out of the arena and tie him up. Then I go into Blake's stable and grab him out completely tackless. I swing onto his back and we trot into the arena. When I get in everyone gasps at the sight. Blake is normally out of control but he seems to be a perfect first horse. I go towards a high jump. If Blake is trained like I think he is I'm pretty sure he can jump the same height as Olaf or ever higher. I get him into a swift canter and we head towards the jump we smoothly go over it and land almost perfectly on the other side. The blonde bitch comes over and tries to come close but Blake rears up and kicks out. The blonde hides her face and screams. She retreats back to her horse and shuts up. I guess that showed her. My aunt thanks me and I tell her I need to go she allows me to leave and I put Blake away. I then retreat back to the stable yard with Olaf. I slip him back into his stable and go back to my apartment. I go to the dog room and see the 4 week old puppies running around yapping at each other. The cute puppies see me and rush over to get a hug. They push me over and start licking me and jumping on me. I smile and start stroking their heads. I don't want them to go away but mum said they only need to go till they are 1. So ill have them back in a year .

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