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The weekend went by like a breeze and it was time for my first lesson. I got my schedule yesterday. I have dressage, science, cross country and then jumping Monday, Wednesday and Friday and science, jumping, cross country then dressage Tuesday and Thursday. Anyway I'm using Duffy today. He needs some exercise, he is still as fast as he used to be and can still jump as high. I slide his saddle onto his back and do up the girth before swinging onto his back. Slipping my feet into the stirrups and trotting down to the large dressage arena. Trotting in I see I am first and that I have 10 minutes until the lesson starts so I allow Duffy to canter around. Since it is the dressage arena only poles are out so I let him go wherever. He starts speeding up and I half halt him before letting him continue. The instructor comes in so I halt in the centre and wait for the rest of the class. The blonde from Saturday comes in and smiles at me as I walk in. I notice her being alot nicer to the horse and smile at her. Another couple of people come in before the arena door is closed. We get 5 minutes to warm up before she asks us to form a ride in whatever order. Whilst walking I ask Duffy for a Spanish walk and am relieved to see he knows how. The instructor doesn't notice but it seems she read my mind as she asked if anyone knew how to do the Spanish walk. I say that I can and notice that no one else does. The instructor asks me to demonstrate. I trot to the front of the ride and ask Duffy to Spanish walk. He immediately complies and lifts his leg up and points his hoof before repeating on the other hoof we go around the arena once and the instructor tells me that I don't have to be in the lesson as all we will be doing is learning how to ask the horse to Spanish walk and teaching them how. I thank the instructor before leaving. Returning back to the stable yard I notice one of two things. My horses are the only ones left in the yard. Plus someone is in the big arena. I take Duffys tack off and groom him before putting him back away in his stable. After checking on my horses I walk over to the arena where I see a 16hh bay stallion galloping around with a rider on back. Looking more detailed at the rider I notice that the rider is male has brown short hair and blue eyes. I go back to the stable and get Apollo out. I go tackless except for a neck rope. Walking Apollo down to the arena I lean over the fence and yell

"Hey, can I come in or should I use a different arena. I'm riding tackless by the way?!"

"Come in but don't let your horse near mine I bet your horse is only 14hh barely a horse I'd say." He yells back.

Oh great a snob. I open the gate and lead Apollo in. Apollo being Apollo he decided to flaunt his stuff and sat down ready for me to sit on his back. He likes to impress people. When Apollo was back to his full height the guy looked astonished that he was mine. I allow Apollo the reign and he starts to trot around easily making himself look even more perfect. That's when a wheelbarrow fell over. Apollo being Apollo thought it was a gun shot or a scary monster and reared up. Staying calm I soothed him with my words and finally got him to go down. Once he was back on the ground I nudged him into a canter and did a couple of laps.

"Want to have a jumping competition? Quite frankly I think you need the practice." The guy asks as I pass him

"Sure but I'm not the one who needs practice. Tackless, bareback or fully tacked?" I reply

"I say tackless, ill whip off my horses tack and grab a neck rope out. You can start practising if you want ill meet you here in 10." He then saunters off as if he owns the world.  I see a small upright out and decide to take Apollo over it till he comes back, I'll make him think that he can do better then smash him. I get Apollo into a canter and steer him towards the jump. He lifts his legs up and we fly over perfectly and land on the other side. We do it again a couple of times before the guy comes back in. we go to the centre and the guy puts up the first jump. He goes over it and clears it. I go over it and clear it. I put it up. He goes over it clears it. I go over it and clear it. He puts it up. He goes over it clears it. I go over it and clear it. This goes on till the jump is about 2 meter high.

"Last jump I believe I shall win so good luck to you."

He starts to canter towards it. The horse goes for it but the pole gets knocked down and they tumble to the ground. The horse gets up and so does the guy. He smiles at me wickedly before announcing that it is my turn. I smile and kick Apollo into canter. Before the jump he gets fidgety so I circle him I get him going the second time and fly over the jump. What was the fidgeting about? Oh well I won anyway. The  guy congratulates me and tells me that if I ever need a partner for a competition he would happily help.


off school !! feeling vile it was really hard trying to think but i just went with the flow . hoped you liked it

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