chapter 1 ~ A change of Scene

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Stood uneasily in the back of my new horse box, I realise that I will not be coming home for a long time. A lot longer than I've ever been away from home before. The 12 mounts stood warily before me feeling my nervousness. Trying to hide it, I pat each horse on the nose and smile reassuringly. Don't get me wrong I'm looking forward to going to the academy to extend my riding skills, but I've never been away from my parents and home longer than a month and to be spending a full school year away. Well it's going to be hard. Stepping out of the back of the horse box, my ombre blue bounces behind me. Picking up the ramp and back door I lock it up and sigh . This is it, it's not even the fact that I'll be somewhere else for nearly a year it's the fact that I'll have to start to make friends. Trying to forget this, I re-check the door and ramp to make sure they won't fall down and walk over to my car when I am convinced. I hop into the back of the car and hear the engine start up.The horse box follows behind us, I notice a letter on the back seat next to me whilst plugging my iphone into the car charger and open it up.

Hey darling,

I want to congratulate you on getting into the Academy. I feel horrible for not being able to take you on your first day. I've arranged for you to have your own apartment because I thought you would enjoy that. I can change it if you want? Anything you want just ask and I'll pay. Oh talking about money I've got you a credit card that is linked to my account so buy whatever you want on it. I also have a couple of other surprises for you. The first two are in your apartment the others are outside. One in the parking lot and the others are in your field :)

Love you

Mum x x

Well thanks mum I guess .....

but I can tell these 'Surprises' are gonna be really expensive and catch attention to myself.. urgh 

*two hours later*

The car and trailer pull into the parking lot and I wake up excitedly. We're here! The massive horse box had obviously brought attention towards me so I decided to play it off. I step out of the car as if I was in a movie and saunter over to the horse box looking like a spoilt rich kid who wins EVERYTHING and throws a hissy when she doesn't get it . I drop the ramp down and open the door. Grooms rush over and inside of the trailer and scramble away with my stunning horses. The horses seem to catch on to what's happening and lift their hooves up higher than usual, they lift their heads and sway gently. They look better than usual ( not that they ever look bad) and truly look expensive, well they are so it can't be that hard ! The stable hands enter the stable next and take the new expensive tack from the trailer and rush away to put it away. I enter the trailer to see that Apollo has been left in as I had asked. Apollo is a crazy horse so I thought it would be better for me to take him in myself because its a new place. I mount up bare back with only his mane to keep me on. I opened the partition door and nudge him on. He gallops out of the trailer and then stops and rears up kicking his legs out as a warning. I fold up and sit calmly on his back until he decides to set his hooves back on the ground. He bucks out and starts trotting forward he starts to do a passage (Passage - This is a very collected, cadenced trot that is characterized by elevated movement of the knees and hocks, as well as a defined engagement of the quarters. The toe of the raised foreleg should come to the middle of the cannon bone of the opposing foreleg. The horse should remain calmly on the bit with a raised arched neck and head close to vertical. The poll should be the highest point of the arch.) I sit deep and lead him towards his stall once we are inside I dismount and open his stall. He trots in unaided and goes to his hay net grumpily. I sigh and close his stable door. I walk back out of the stable yard and go to my parking space. To my surprise a black Lamborghini was parked there with a note explaining that it was one of the surprises told you they were gonna be expensive !  I follow the instructions and end up in a field that has been cleaned out and two beautiful and majestic horses stood tall and proud at the gate. They're mine! But wait I recognize them ... it can't be. Can it?

Its Duffy and Cila. The first proper horses I ever rode yeah I had ridden ponies, lazy horse and just generally badly behaved and slow ponies/horses . Let me explain, Duffy here is an ex race horse. He retired to a riding school (my riding school) and the instructor allowed me to ride him when I asked. They discovered that the horse was really fast and when Duffy decided to gallop and jump they were surprised, I stayed on and I was instantly told that I was a good match for him (Since I always wanted to ride a fast pony , I had a good enough seat and had the ability to stop him). Cila was my riding instructors horse and when I was down one day (I had only ever rode Duffy until then) I got a call asking for me to ride Cila and take her over a couple of jumps because my instructor had a terrible fall and well sadly she died last year. Duffy should be about 14 now and Cila about 12. I can't believe it. They're mine!! I greet them and they seemed to remember me so I take them inside and put them into what I am guessing is their stables,  I slip my Rose Gold IPhone 6s out of my pocket and text my best friend Laura.

Skylar(me)- Hey, What's up ? Guess what just happened ?! xx

Laura - What? You are secretly coming back home ? xx

Skylar(me)- No, sorry babe but its better news ! mum bought me Duffy and Cila !! xx

Laura - Really ?! OMG I'm so coming down to see them !!! xx 

Skylar(me)- you can't today, why don't you pop up at the weekend. xx 

Holly - oh okay , I was only joking but sure I'll come down on saturday xx 

Skylar (me) - okay bring Danny down and we'll go on a hack well I've gtg see you at the weekend xx

Holly- bye xx


Wow I finished Chapter One :p 

Comment on what else needs editing :) 

~ Jess x 

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