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I decide it's time to go to science well horse biology and pop Apollo away after grooming him. Walking into the class room I see the room is divided into groups there's the gothic/scenic people in the back left corner, the sluts in the middle. The jocks behind them. The nerds next to the sluts on the left. On the right is a massive load of normal people. And the front middle is the rich people. Seeing that only one seat is left I slide into it and notice I'm in the gothic/scenic hey at least I have the hair for it! The jocks are next to me and I see them eying me up. Ha losers they ant getting none of dis. Oh there's something you might not know I am a sarcastic bitch when it comes to learning. I've got kicked out of so many schools. One of the jocks reach out to touch my butt and I grab his wrist and turn it painfully

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I say threating him. He nods whimpers and I release his wrist. The lesson starts and we learn about how the horses get energy from the grass and hay. I really don't pay attention, but say stuff when needed. When the bell rings I make my way to cross country, apparently you don't need your horses today you will be using the schools horses. I can't complain, I get my body protector and helmet from the locker outside of the arena and make my way in. I smile seeing a familiar face.

"hey baby girl how's the family? Haven't seen you in a while." My favourite aunty says

"Didn't know you were teaching the cross country class this year. Were great thanks as busy as ever..." I say

"Well anyway I got a treat for you, remember old Wendy's foal. Well he's here and he's angry I thought you'd like to see him hell be calm around you since he knows ya. You can ride him in the lesson if he will let you back him. He's in the big stable down the yard, he's tacked up you just gotta get him in!" she tells me. I nod thank her and run off. The angry stallion was in the big stable as rose (my aunty) said. I walk over to the stable confidently and the stallion turns around. Just when it's about to lash out remembrance washes over him and he comes over calmly to sniff me. He nudges me and I stroke his head. After a bit more bonding I lead him into the yard and mount up with ease. We make out way to the arena and I see people coming in with nice calm small horses, nearly ponies then there's me with Blake. The massive angry aggressive stallion . I shake my head and trot Blake into the arena. The guy from earlier was in there along with some of the sluts a few jocks one scenic/gothic and 2 normal. One of the sluts sees me on Blake and throws a fit.

"Instructor why is she on a massive horse whilst we are all on pathetic ponies." She screeches. The pony she's on reaches round and nips her leg.

"It's only because Blake is aggressive and she knew him as a foal so he will allow only her near him, if you want to test that theory you can but it is not my fault if you get hurt." Rose says flicking her eyes at me. The slut saunters over and Blake's ears go back. He starts bucking out and spinning around before having enough and rearing up kicking out at her. The slut screeches and recruits back to her small pony.

"Right now we have that cleared up lets head over to the cross country course." Rose says.

We arrive at a field with a cross country course set up.

"Right I need a volunteer to do the course for me." Rose says

"Why doesn't sky do it she has a horse that will take to the course better" slut number one says and a chorus of yehs and why doesn't she follows

Rose nods and I set Blake off into canter we clear the first jump without a problem it was designed to look like a gate. We jump the jumps and are down to the water jump he leaps up into the air and gasps fill the air. Blake's head leans forward and we make it across all of the water without landing in it!! It's not that big of a surprise since Wendy used to be able to and the father was a cross country star too. We trot back to the group and my aunty looks approvingly at me before saying well done and telling me that I just need to keep my heels down a bit more. The next person goes and I notice it. A snake on the course.

"Stop!!!!" I yell. The girl riding stops the horse confused and I dismount and run towards the snake. Having done my degree in animal care at school I knew how to handle the snake. Picking it up I walk back over to the group. My aunty looks quizzically at me.

"This was on the track." I pull the snake from behind my back.

"Okay I need you to get onto Blake and take it as far away from the school as you can and return back. Blake isn't scared by them so he should be fine." She explains.

I nod and set off into gallop holding the snake correctly. Once I thought we were far enough away I put the snake in a bush and got back on Blake. We galloped back in record time to see the last person finishing good timing much. My aunty dismisses the class 10 minutes before the bell and the girl that I saved from going over the snake came over to me.

"Thanks for helping me. I could have been killed if you didn't help, I'm Stacey" she says

"It's okay I'm sky, well I've got to go see ya." I say

I leave her and put blake away before going back to my stables. I see jasmine out of her stable and wandering around. She's up to her old tricks again. I catch her in and put her away but it's useless now she knows how to get out. I slide the stable door guard up so she can't stick her head up. I'll have to buy a bolt for the bottom


hehe anyway im still off school feeling ill :( Im on my 6th chapter :)thankyou for the votes and the comments go follow sammy321 ..... xx

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