Arkham's princess AU headcanons part 3

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Welcome to the part 3 of my Arkham's princess AU headcanons! :)

This part will focus Bridgette Cheng! Hope you will like it! ^^

Warning: English is not my first language so sorry if it's confusing.

Warning 2: This AU content salt don't like don't read!


-Since in this AU Bridgette is Sabine's sister she got grey eyes instead of blue.

-So in this AU Bridgette Cheng is Marinette's aunt, she is Arkham's warden and changed the Asylum's method which lead to actual good progress with the patients.

-When she become the Asylum's new warden, she completly changed the staff: she replaced all the doctors, nurses and guards who were abusing of the patients or were complicit in the abuse and put special protocols in job interviews which cinsist to make the applicants pass a psychological exam to be sure they are psychologically capable to work at Arkham.

-She changed the therapies methods for more ethical ones.

-One of the things she consider the most important in therapy is doctor/patient trust so one of the steps of her treatement is to begening by etablish a trust bond with the patients so they will be more cooperative in the treatement.

-She put a "neutral" rule in which the doctors and others members of the staff must had a neutral behavior toward the patients since reactions and behaviors showing to the patients that they had a sort of power on others only feed their crazyness.

-With this "neutral rule" she put instructions like "not calling the patients by their villains name unless their insist".

-She also made sure to make the patients's life conditions better.

-All those changes bring the patients to developpe a kind of respect for Bridgette after months of suspicions toward her and trying to mess with her.

-The Rogues in this AU, except for some like Killer Croc, are the "batman the animated serie" version.

-She even gain more respect from them when one day she was forced to use her self defense skills against Lyle Bolton when he was attacking other inmates and had even trying to hurt her but Bridgette was able to owerpower him.

-She become know amount the inmates as the "White Queen of Arkham". (see headcanons part 2)

-During her first times as the new Arkham's warden, the public opinion was rather sceptic toward Bridgette's abilities to manage the asylum, the media even potray her as a future "Harley Quinn 2.0″.

-She didn't mind and focus on Arkham.

-Some times later her new methods bring good results, some inmates were healed and even some Rogues become saner.

-With those results the public opinion about Bridgette changed, seeing her now as a benediction for Gotham.

-Batman and her have mutual respect for each other: Bridgette is grateful for what the caped crusader do for the town and Batman respect her for actually helping the inmates from the asylum to heal.

-Regarding shipping: I have three possible love interest for Bridgette who are Rogues but you can decide to ship her with another character or not ship her at all. If the love interest is a rogue they will get together only if the rogue is mentally healed and give up any criminal activity, Bridgette will not even consider the possibility of a relationship when the rogue is still a criminal and her patient.

-When she visited Paris for the first time with Sabine she tried the soulmate ice cream from Andre Glacier, you can decide the combination you want if you ship Bridgette but for my three possible love interests her ice cream combinasion goes by:

1)blueberry(his eyes)-vanilla bean(his hair)-earl grey tea(his favorite taste)


2)Milk chocolate(his hair)-dark chocolate(his eyes)-pumpkin spice(his theme)


3)Mint chocolate(his attire)-orange(his hair)-green apple(his eyes)

-If Bridgette got a love interest and they get together the love interest's ice cream will be blackberry/blueberry(her hair)-licorice(her eyes)-coconut(her attire)

-Bridgette is rather protective toward Marinette so when Sabine and Tom will explain the situation she will accept right away to had Marinette living with her in Gotham while Marinette's parents try to see what to do about the school.

-When Harley and Ivy warn her, when they were still in Arkham before they escape, that they will "kidnap" sometimes Marinette to give her tutoring lessons with the others Rogues/Godparents Bridgette was not sure about this, sure, they are Marinette's godparents and would not harm her but they're still mentally instable criminals and was more reassured when learning that Batman and his birds were welcomed to keep an eye on the lessons.

-When Marinette became closer with the Waynes and that it's become know on the social medias, Lila being jalous told another lie to her classmates in fake tears how one of the Wayne boys was supposed to be her fiancé and that Marinette stole him from her, which made Alya enraged and posted an article on the Ladyblog in which she call Marinette a lot of horrible names and accuse her of many things.

-But the article got a big backclash since, surprise surprise, Alya has not proof for her claims and somebody send the article to the Waynes.

-When Marinette, the Wayne and Bridgette saw the article they were not happy at all and for a furious Bridgette it was the last straw, she contacted Marinette's parents and they agree to sue the school, Lila and Alya, yeah the latters are both teens but being young doesn't excuse you having a criminal behavior.

-They made sure that the Rogues don't see the article because otherwise there's going to had murders and as angry they are they want to avoid that.

-Bruce Wayne agree with the three other adults to pay for them a good lawyerand Bridgette, after leaving Marinette with Wayne, take the first plane for Paris to make official the procesussion with Sabine and Tom.

-The three adults go to the school to had a meeting with Damocles and Bustier, during the meeting the two teachers tried to spill BS excuses to not be, and to not have Lila and Alya, in trouble which make Bridgette very angry to the point of attracting an akuma.

-Hawkmoth tried to akumatised Bridgette but she told him in a cold angry voice that if she become a akume he will be the one she will track down.

-"Red Queen? I am Hawkmoth and I-" "Listen to me very well you Killer Moth wannabe I'm may be very angry at those idiots in the moment but you trying to use my niece stuggles to try to akumatise her multiple times make me even more pissed off at you so this is how it will goes: you will stop trying to akumatise me right now! or else the one who I will track down, chasing for their miraculous and who will be off with their head aren't going to be Ladybug and Chat Noire but you!".

-Not wanting to take any chance Hawkmoth undo the akumatisation leaving a rather tired Bridgette.

-Damocles tried to use Bridgette's nearly akumatisation to end the meeting but she, Sabine and Tom were having none of it and since that meeting was getting them nowhere they deliver the procecussion papers to officialy sue them before leaving the school.

-After the meeting the three adults got to Lila's and Alya's houses to give to their shocked parents the paper anouncing that the girls were sued before going back to the bakery. And the next day Bridgette go back to Gotham to her niece.

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