Miraculous Ladybug x Carmen Sandiego oneshot: A ending, a new begining

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"-Urgh ! Are we at this flat of your yet ?"

"-For the last time we're not so far anymore so please be patient ! ̎

Sheena, formerly know as ̎Tigress ̎, was in a bad mood, no scratch that, she was in a ATROCIOUS mood and it wasn't just today, she was like that for months now, ever since THE day, this fateful day in which her, La Chèvre's, Mime Bomb's and El Topo's life drastically changed for the worst.
All this thank to a mistake, one mistake, the one of too many.

It all begin with a mission, they were all four send to meet with an associate of V.I.L.E to retrive a bunch of works of art he and his men stole in the last month and to bring them back to the HQ.
But then Carmen show up, again, they fought against her and lost, again, and after that she disappear with the works of art, again.
What they didn't expected however was ACME showing up some times later forcing them to flee not noticing one of the agents putting a micro tracker device on Mime Bomb's hat, only to find about it when they were back at the HQ.

The device has been take care of before ACME could locate them but the council were beyond furious at the quartet.
Furious to the point they decided to ̎ terminate ̎ them once for all, yes, failure is usually tolarated in V.I.L.E it's been caught which lead you to be severely punished, most of the time it was brainwashing.
But sometimes there's THE failure, the one which can't be simply ignored, the straw that broke the camel's back.
And with their mistake, Tigress, Mime Bomb, El Topo and La Chèvre didn't just broke the camel's back, they smashed it.
The quartet tried to explain themself, to say it wasn't their fault, but Carmen Sandiego's as always.
But the council didn't wanted to hear a thing their decision was final.

But their punishement wasn't going to be a simple brainwashing, oh no, in the council's eyes it was too lax for what the quartet has done, no, exemples needed to be done in order to show to all operatives from the organisation what happen when you push your luck too far.
Instead of their memories, they were going to pay for their failure with their lives.

The declaration of their sentence hit them like a pack of bricks and their faces morphed into a expression of shock and horror.
Die, there going to die ? They were going to executed them ?
Quickly shock let place to panic, an gigantic panic making think the four young adults one single thought : RUN !

And running they did. Without any warning the four now former operatives were running trying to find an escape, other V.I.L.E operatives chasing after them deadly weapons in their hands.
Finally they found an escape by stealing the helicopter normally used by the cleaners, flying far away as possible from V.I.L.E and their near-certain death.

Hours later they landed on a tiny island to catch their breath and quickly they realized hard truth :
They messed up ! They messed up big time ! And now V.I.L.E comdemned them ! All their work, the efforts, the sacrefices they had done to get where they were ! Their whole life they had built ! And now it was gone !
Soon the shock left place to anger and very quickly violent arguments exploded, each of them trying to blame the other for this fiasco, wanting to make anyone aside themself responsible for ruined their lives.
But it was no use and they knew it. Blamed each other wasn't going to change the fact their times as V.I.L.E operatives were over, it wans't going to change the fact they were rogues now and it wasn't going to change the fact that their former superiors wanted them dead.

Exausted from their arguments and the intense shock they lived, the quartet tried to get some sleep, away from each other, some, like, Tigress, trying to hide tears of frustration, haunted by one crucial question : ̎ What are they going do to ? ̎

The following day, recuperated from their emotions they regroup together to decide what to do next.
After a long debate the group decided that the best thing to do first was to go MIA for a time, El Topo had carefully suggested that maybe they could try to contact Black Sheep and ask for her help only to be violently shut down by an angry Tigress.

Miraculous Ladybug crossover salt prompt + AU + One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now