ML X Monkie Kid crossover salt prompt idea: demons relatives AU - EXTRA 2

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Warning: English is not my first language so sorry if it's confusing.

Warning 2: Spoilers for MLB S5

Warning 3: Use of "Magic Drugs"(aka love potions/lust potions ect...), magic mental manipulation, kidnaping and disparition of children, identity stealing.

Warning 4: This prompt content salt don't like don't read!

So, the MLB S5 spoilers and last episodes give us a bunch of new facts regarding Lila and that with the new facts we learned about her, a bunch of facts which give me ideas for new headcanons for the "Demons Relatives AU"!

However, as those headcanons are based on spoilers content from very recently released episodes and from episodes which haven't been aired yet, I decided to make those headcanons optinal so like this people who write something with the AU get to choose.

So for those who don't wish to be spoiled or don't wish to include those headcanons, you can decide to not use/look at those headcanons;

For those who want to look at them/use them despites the spoilers, I invite you to take a look below! ^^


Lila's true identity in the "Demons Relatives AU":

-So in this AU, "Lila"'s true identity is that even her whole being is a lie: she's not a teen, she's not even human.

-"Lila" is in fact a demon, a weak powered demon who had the ability to make people believe anything she say when she told them what they want to hear.

-However, due to her being weak, her ability don't work anymore once people find out she lied and her power only work on mortals.

-In the past she served the Demon Bull family during the time DBK was sealed and already in those times, "Lila" was obsessed with being at "the top of the food chain" and power.

-To get the power and statut she desired, "Lila" found what was to her THE opportunity: seducing Red Son, marrying him and getting all the power she wanted by becoming a member of the Demon Bull royal family.

-She planned to seduce Red Son by trying to dose him against his will with love potions and lust potions.

-However "Lila" got quickly busted by Red Son and was forced to run away to avoid the warth of a furious Princess Iron Fan and Red Son.

-Before she managed to run away, she got a "first punishement" by Princess Iron Fan before she was supposed to recieve an even more drastic punishment for her crime.

-See, in the past "Lila" had beautifull long hair which she was very proud of and was very vain about, so, to begin her punishment and humiliate her, Iron Fan cuted messely "Lila"'s very short and put on hair a curse which kept her hair to grow again and made them plain looking.

-When she managed to escape, "Lila" not only escaped from the demon bull fortress and kingdom but also from the country.

-Princess Iron Fan put a general order to the demons under the Demon Bull family's reign that if "Lila" was ever spotted she had to be captured and bring to the Demon Bull family to recieve her deserved punishment.

-Since then, "Lila" is infamously known among demons as "the little traitorus wrench who tried to decieved the Demon Bull family".

-"Lila" decided to take refuge in a far away country and set her sights on France.

-She etablished herself in Paris and begging to plotting to make the city her own "kingdom".

-By using the few abilities she had, "Lila" used a human disguise to blend in with Paris's citizens.

-Because of her curse and her weak powers, "Lila" can't modify her human disguise and is forced to use accessories like wigs and contacts.

-She choose to pass as a young teen to create an innocent image of her and to not raising any suspiscion.

-She used her lying abilities to insert herself into disfonctionnal families, targeting mostly women living alone with their daughter.

-She kidnaped said daughters, made them disappeared and took their place by using her lying abilities.

-When "Lila" decide to ditch a family she inserted herself in, she dose them with a potion which wipe out their memory and she leave after erasing avery trace of her to go by another identity.

-Currently, she's living with three different mothers plus another identity(aka Cerise).

-Because her abilities aren't strong, whenever one of her "mothers" begin to had doubts about her "Lila" secretly dose them with a potion and use her lies to keep them under her control.

-Through the years she lived in Paris, "Lila" built herself a secret lair in Paris's catacombs in which she hide all her accessories for her identities and even more sinister things.

-Her desire for power and statut didn't fade away so she searched in Paris new ways to get them for her "kingdom" which is way she set her sights on Adrien.

-"Lila" doesn't really like her "Cerise identity" as this identity is physically close to what she was in the past ("a pathetic servant of the Demon Bull family"), she prefer her identities which make her wear long haired wigs.

-"Lila" wear long haired wigs as much as possible as they give her back the memory of her former long hair she loved.

-Ever since the "seducing Red Son aptempt" fiasco, "Lila" developped a zero tolerance to those who don't believe her lies and try call her out on it.

-When Marinette refused to fall for her lies and called her out on it, "Lila" got very triggered to the point she decided to make her mission to destroy Marinette.

-With "Lila" being a very weak demon, her demonic energy is nearly undetectable and can easely pass as a normal human and because of that Jin and Yin didn't busted her whenerver they were in Paris.

-When the class managed to had a field trip to China to "go convince(*cough*force*cough*) Marinette to come back" "Lila" tried to find an excuse to not come 'cause she knew she would be in big troubles if she steped a foot in China.

-However, as her aptempts to not come were begining to bring doubts among the akuma class, "Lila" got no other choice but to go to the field trip and decided to take the precotion to never remove her human desguise to not get busted by any demon.

-The demon who wanted to steal the miraculous for themself found out about "Lila"'s true identity and use this to "convince her" to team up with them.

Miraculous Ladybug crossover salt prompt + AU + One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now